Quick View
Quick View allows your customers to see more details about a product and add it to their cart without having to go to the individual product page, leading to a more fluid checkout flow.
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Themes.
Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.
Click Theme settings -> Quick View.
Maximum Number Of Thumbnail To Show
Determine the number of thumbnail to show under the main image on the Quickview Popup.
Product Image Ratio
Select the display type of media on product card: Adapt to image: the image size on product card will scale according to the image actual size. Portrait: The image of the product card will have a height more than its width. The ratio of the width and height can be adjusted with the "Image height (%)" setting below. Square: The image of the product card will be a square.
Portrait Aspect Ratio
Fill in the desired ratio of the width and height of the product card media in %.
Show Zoomed Image?
Enable the functionality to zoom image on hover.
Show badges?
Enable to show the product badges right on the Quickview Popup.
Font size
Determine the font size of the product title on Quickview popup ranging from 8px to 60px.
Title Color
Set the color for the product title on Quickview popup.
Show Review?
Enable to show the rating star of the product on the Quickview Popup.
Sold In Last Function
"Sold in Last" is a function to simulate the real purchase amount on the product with an aim to push sale.
Show Sold In Last Function
Enable to show the Sold in Last Function
The Number Of Products
List out the desired numbers to show to the customers of the products sold in the last. Each number must be separated with a comma.
List out the desired numbers of hour to show to the customers of the products sold in the last. Each number must be separated with a comma.
Text Color
Set the color of the Sold in Last text.
Short Description
Show Short Description?
Enable to show short description of the product on Quickview Popup
Word Number
Fill in the limit of word number to truncate from the product description on Quickview Popup.
Font Size
Determine the font size of the short description on Quickview Popup ranging from 8px to 60px.
Text Color
Set the color of short description text on Quickview Popup
Font Size
Determine the font size of the product price on Quickview Popup
Show Vendor?
Enable to show vendor of the product on Quickview Popup.
Show SKU?
Enable to show SKU of the product on Quickview Popup.
Show Availability?
Enable to show availability of the product on Quickview Popup. The availability can be either number (in inventory) or general text (in stock) based on Show stock levels settings below.
Show Type?
Enable to show vendor of the product on Quickview Popup.
Show stock levels
Don't Show Stock Levels: The Availability will be shown with a general text such as 'In Stock' without specifying the exact amount left in stock. Show Stock Levels: The Availability will be shown with the number of remaining items amount in inventory.
Option Type
Select the display type of variant options to be either swatch or select dropdown.
Show Quantity?
Enable to show the quantity input field with increase/decrease buttons on Quickview Popup.
Sub Total
Show Sub Total?
Enable to show the subtotal of the product on Quickview Popup.
Size Chart
Show Size Chart?
Enable to show size chart on Quickview Popup.
Using Different Size Chart For Product By Following
Select the group type to apply the size chart for on Quickview Popup. The available group types are Product Type, Product Vendor, Metafield, Custom Image.
Image Type
Select image format of size chart if the above settings is set to "Product Type" or "Product Vendor".
Upload Image
Upload an image to apply the size chart on Quickview Popup if the "Custom Image" is selected on the above setting.
Compare Color
Show Compare Color?
Enable to let users compare colors of the products on Quickview Popup.
Drop & Drop (On Desktop)
Enable the being-compared variant to be able to be dragged and dropped in the compare color popup on Quickview.
Dynamic Checkout Buttons
Show Dynamic Checkout Buttons?
Enable to use the payment methods available on your store, customers see their preferred option, like PayPal or Apple Pay.
Last updated