Image SlideShow
Setting | Description |
Select Image | Upload / Choose an image for the slideshow image on Desktop. The recommended width x height is 1880px x 720px. |
Select Image Mobile | Upload / Choose an image for the slideshow image on Mobile. The recommended width x height is 638px x 870px. |
Slideshow Layout
Setting | Description |
Content: Position | Select the position of the slide content to be either: Center, to the Left or Right of the slide Image. Note that the position only works on Desktop. On Mobile, the content is automatically set to center for the best user experience. |
Custom Position Content | Toggle to enable the Custom Position for the Slide Content, and this works on Desktop only. |
Horizontal Position | Enter the desired position of the content from the left side of the slide image in %. |
Vertical Position | Enter the desired position of the content from the top of the slide image in %. |
Content: Alignment | Align the content including title, description and button to the Center, the Left or Right of the Content Box itself. |
Enable Border Line | Show the border for the Content Box. This works only on Desktop. |
Padding Vertical | Determine the spacing between the content with the content top and bottom border. The ranging is from 0px to 100px. |
This works only on Desktop. | |
Content: Max Width | Determine the Max Width of the content box. This works only on Desktop. |
Background Color Content | Set the background color for the Content Box. This works only on Desktop. |
Border Color Content | Set the border color for the Content Box. This works only on Desktop. |
Setting | Description |
Profile Picture | Upload / Choose an image for the testimonial avatar. |
Profile Name | Enter the name of the person. |
Profile Name Color | Set the color for the profile name. |
Profile Name Font Size | Determine the font size of the profile name |
Profile Name Font Size Mobile | Determine the font size of the profile name on Mobile. |
Profile Name Font Style | Select the Font Style of the Profile Name |
Profile Name Font Weight | Select the Font Weight of the Profile Name. |
Profile Job Title | Enter the Job Title of the person. |
Profile Job Title Color | Set the Color for the Job Title. |
Profile Job Title Font Size | Determine the Font Size of the Job Title. |
Profile Job Title Font Size Mobile | Determine the Font Size of the Job Title on Mobile. |
Profile Job Title Font Weight | Select the Font Weight of the Job Title. |
Profile Spacing Bottom | Determine the spacing between the Testimonial Profile with the slide content. |
Setting | Description |
Sub Heading | Fill in the Sub-Heading for the slide content |
Sub Heading Letter Spacing | Enter the spacing between letters of the sub-heading |
Sub Heading Font Size | Determine the font size of the sub-heading. |
Sub Heading Spacing Bottom | Determine the spacing of the sub heading from its bottom |
Sub Heading Font Weight | Select the Font Weight of the Sub-Heading |
Border Sub Heading | Select Solid to enable the border for the Sub-Heading. |
Sub Title Position | Select the position of the Sub-heading to be either Above or Below the title. |
Sub Heading Color | Set the color for the Sub-Heading. |
Heading | Enter the text for the slide title. |
Heading Letter Spacing | Enter the spacing between letters of the slide title. eg: 0.02em |
Enable Border Heading? | Turn on the underline for the title. |
Heading Font Style | Select the Font Style for the Heading. |
Heading Font Size | Determine the font size for the title. |
Heading Line Height | Determine the line height for the title. |
Heading Spacing Bottom | Determine the spacing of the title from the bottom. |
Heading Color | Set the color of the title. |
Description | Fill in the description text. |
Description Font Size | Determine the font size for the description text. |
Description Spacing Bottom | Specify the spacing of the description from the bottom. |
Description Color | Set the color for the description. |
Setting | Description |
Sub Heading | Enter the Sub-Heading for the slide on Mobile. |
Sub Heading Font Size | Determine the font size for the Sub-Heading on Mobile. |
Sub Heading Spacing Bottom | Determine the spacing of the Sub-Heading from the bottom on Mobile. |
Sub Heading Font Weight | Select the Font Weight of the Sub-Heading on Mobile. |
Border Sub Heading | Select Solid to enable border for the Sub-Heading on Mobile. |
Sub Heading Color Mobile | Set the color for the Sub-Heading on Mobile. |
Heading | Enter the title for the slide on Mobile. |
Heading Font Style | Select the Font Style of the title on Mobile. |
Heading Font Size | Determine the font size of the title on Mobile. |
Heading Line Height | Determine the line height of the title on Mobile. |
Heading Spacing Bottom | Determine the spacing of the title from its bottom on Mobile. |
Heading Color Mobile | Set the color for the title on Mobile. |
Description | Fill in the description text on Mobile. |
Description Font Size | Determine the font size of the description on Mobile. |
Description Spacing Bottom | Determine the spacing of the description from the bottom on Mobile. |
Description Color Mobile | Set the color for the description text on Mobile. |
Button Slideshow
Setting | Description |
Enable Icon? | Show the caret icon in the button. |
Button Text | Enter the text for the first button |
Button Link | Specify the link for the first button to redirect to. |
Button Text 2 | Enter the text for the second button |
Button Link 2 | Specify the link for the second button to redirect to. |
Button Width | Determine the width of the buttons. |
Color - Background Color - Background Gradient - Border Color | Set the text color, background and border color for both normal and hover states of the buttons. |
Last updated