Multiple Layouts
Multiple Layouts allows you to create different structures and satisfies any specific styles for different kinds of business.
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Themes.
Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.
Click Theme Settings -> Multiple Layouts.
Header: Layout Header
Set the width of the header to its default size based on the viewport
Set the width of the header to be full of the viewport
Custom Width
Manually set the width of the header in the range between 1200px and 1920px
Body: Layout Body
Set the width of the body to its default size based on the viewport
Set the width of the body to be full of the viewport
Custom Width
Manually set the width of the body in the range between 1200px and 1920px
Footer: Layout Footer
Set the width of the footer to its default size based on the viewport
Set the width of the footer to be full of the viewport
Custom Width
Manually set the width of the footer in the range between 1200px and 1920px
Enable Brand In Footer
To show the Brand Slider Section right on top of the Footer
Enable Policies In Footer
To show the Policies Block Section right on top of the Footer
Layout Boxed
Set the Background Image for any section has the boxed layout.
Custom Width
Manually set the width of the footer in the range between 1200px and 1920px
Header Mobile
Layout 1
The mobile header will have its logo in the center with other icons being set to both sides.
Layout 2
The mobile header will have its logo in the left along with the dropdown burger with other icons being set to the right side.
Header Mobile
Layout Default
The mobile menu will share the same content as the menu setup on desktop
Layout Custom
The mobile menu will be customized to have icons and links that are different from those on desktop
Collections Layout
Collection Default
The Default Collection Layout comes with its filter facets on a sidebar.
Collection Full Width
The Fullwidth Collection Layout will have the filter facets lying on the top of the product showcase.
List Collections Layout
Collection 01 Default
Collections will be displayed in a form of grid.
Collection 02 List
Collections will be displayed line by line.
Blog Page Layout
Blog Default
Blogs are shown in group
Blog Simple
Blogs are shown individually
Last updated