
To add this section, please follow below steps:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Themes.

  2. Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.

  3. Click Add section and choose "Slideshow".

How to show Category Block for Slideshow like on the Supermarket Homepage?

  • In Theme Editor of Slideshow -> Scroll down to "BLOCK CATEGORIES" -> Select Menu Category to show categories for this block.

You need to create a menu in Navigation first

To show icons for categories, please follow below instruction to upload icons:

  • Prepare your Icon image with the same name as the menu name (please use PNG image format).

Rules: Lower cap and use a hyphen "-" to replace white space if your color image name has the white space. For example: with the menu name "Pellentes Habitanto", the image name will be pellentes-habitanto.png

Recommended size for icon image: 24 x 24px

  • Go to Settings --> Files, upload images here:

Section Settings



Select the width layout of the section to be either default to the body's width, 1170px, 1770px or full screen width.

Padding Container Full Width

Determine the spacing of the left and right sides if the layout 'fullwidth' is selected.

Spacing top - Desktop / Tablet / Mobile

Determine the spacing of the section from the top on Desktop, Tablet and Mobile.

Spacing bottom - Desktop / Tablet / Mobile

Determine the spacing of the section from the bottom on Desktop, Tablet and Mobile.

Background Color

Set the background of the slideshow.

Background Gradient

Set the background gradient of the slideshow.

Background Image

Upload / Choose an image as the background for the slideshow.



Slideshow Auto Play

Enable the autoplay feature on slideshow.

Change slides every

Select the interval to switch to the next slide.

Slideshow transition effect

Select the transition effect to be either fade or slide.

Dots Direction

Select the position and direction of slideshow pagination dots on Desktop. Default: The dots are horizontal and centered. Left: The dots are vertical and to the left. Right: The dots are vertical and to the right.

Enable Custom Arrow?

Enable to allow the custom arrow width, height and size.

Width Arrows

Determine the width of the arrow (for custom arrow)

Height Arrows

Determine the height of the arrow (for custom arrow)

Size Icon Arrows

Determine the size of the arrow icon (for custom arrow)

Color - Background - Border Color

Set the color, background and border for both normal and hover/active states of slideshow arrows.



Slideshow Video Height

Fill in the video height in percentage relative to the height of the slideshow.

Autoplay video

Enable the video to auto play.



Enable Categories?

Enable to show the categories.


Enter the title for the categories.

Title Color

Set the color of the title.

Title Background Color

Set the background for title.

Text Color

Set color for the text.

Last updated