

Use image or text for Icon?

Select the illustration type of the block to be either an image or icon.


Upload/choose the image as an illustration for the block.


Fill in the icon text (such as svg) s an illustration for the block.

Image Spacing Bottom

Determine the spacing of the image from the bottom. (for image only)

Image Border Radius

Round the image corners from 0% (a square) to circle or oval (50%)

Icon Width - Icon Height

Determine the width and height the illustration icon of the block ranging from 0px to 100px.

Icon Spacing Bottom

Determine the spacing of the icon from the bottom.

Icon color

Set the color of icon.

Icon Hover Color

Set the color of icon when hovered.

Icon Background Color Hover

Set the background of icon when hovered.

Icon Background Gradient Hover

Set the gradient of icon when hovered.

Enable Border?

Show the border of the whole block.

Border Radius

Round the corners of each block ranging from 0px to 30px.

Border Color

Set the color for the block border.

Border Color Hover

Set the color for the block border when hovered.


Fill in the title for the block.

Title Font Size

Set the title font size for the block.

Title Font Size Mobile

Set the title font size for the block on Mobile.

Title Font Weight

Select the font weight of the title for the block.

Text Color

Set the color for the block title

Text Hover Color

Set the color for the block title on hover.

Title Spacing Bottom

Determine the spacing of the title from the bottom.


Enter the description text for the block.

Description Color

Set color for the block description.


Enter the link to redirect viewers to.

Box Shadow

Select the box shadow behavior: None, Box Shadow or Box Shadow on hover.

Horizontal Length

Determine how far the shadow falls horizontally.

Vertical Length

Determine how far the shadow falls vertically.

Blur Radius

Determine how blur the shadow is.


Determine how far the shadow keeps its original thickness.


Determine the transparency of the box shadow.


Toggle to let the shadow falls inward or outward.

Last updated