Setting | Description |
Use image or text for Icon? | Select the illustration type of the block to be either an image or icon. |
Image | Upload/choose the image as an illustration for the block. |
Icon | Fill in the icon text (such as svg) s an illustration for the block. |
Image Spacing Bottom | Determine the spacing of the image from the bottom. (for image only) |
Image Border Radius | Round the image corners from 0% (a square) to circle or oval (50%) |
Icon Width - Icon Height | Determine the width and height the illustration icon of the block ranging from 0px to 100px. |
Icon Spacing Bottom | Determine the spacing of the icon from the bottom. |
Icon color | Set the color of icon. |
Icon Hover Color | Set the color of icon when hovered. |
Icon Background Color Hover | Set the background of icon when hovered. |
Icon Background Gradient Hover | Set the gradient of icon when hovered. |
Enable Border? | Show the border of the whole block. |
Border Radius | Round the corners of each block ranging from 0px to 30px. |
Border Color | Set the color for the block border. |
Border Color Hover | Set the color for the block border when hovered. |
Title | Fill in the title for the block. |
Title Font Size | Set the title font size for the block. |
Title Font Size Mobile | Set the title font size for the block on Mobile. |
Title Font Weight | Select the font weight of the title for the block. |
Text Color | Set the color for the block title |
Text Hover Color | Set the color for the block title on hover. |
Title Spacing Bottom | Determine the spacing of the title from the bottom. |
Description | Enter the description text for the block. |
Description Color | Set color for the block description. |
Link | Enter the link to redirect viewers to. |
Box Shadow | Select the box shadow behavior: None, Box Shadow or Box Shadow on hover. |
Horizontal Length | Determine how far the shadow falls horizontally. |
Vertical Length | Determine how far the shadow falls vertically. |
Blur Radius | Determine how blur the shadow is. |
Spread | Determine how far the shadow keeps its original thickness. |
Opacity | Determine the transparency of the box shadow. |
Inset? | Toggle to let the shadow falls inward or outward. |
Last updated