Short Description

Bonnita offers you to show Short Description by Metafields. If a product have no short description in Metafields, it will show a brief product summary (the first 50 characters of the description).

Setup Short Description by Metafields?

How to add new Metafields?

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings -> Metafields.

  2. Click Products → Add Definition.

  3. Please enter correct Namespace and Key as we noted below.

Name: Short Description or any name
Namespace and key: c_f.short_description
Select content type: Text

How to insert content for Product Metafields?

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products -> All products.

  2. Find and choose the product that you want to edit.

  3. In the Metafields, please insert content for "Short Description" field.

You can use Bulk Editor to edit multiple products.

Last updated