Small Image


Enable Image?

Enable to show the block image.


Upload / choose an image for the block image.


Align the content to the center, to the left or right of the block.

Content on Image

Move the content inside the image.

Content: Align Items

Vertically Align the content to the center, to the top or bottom of the block.

Content Position Top/Bottom

Determine the position of the content from the block top or bottom.

Content Position Top/Bottom Mobile

Determine the position of the content from the block top or bottom on Mobile.

Background Color

Set the background color for the content.

Content Spacing Top

Determine the padding of the content box to the top.

Content Spacing Bottom

Determine the padding of the content box to the bottom.

Content Spacing Left/Spacing Right

Determine the padding of the content box to the left and right.

Sub Title

Enter the subtitle for the content.

Enable Border Sub Title

Show the underline for the subtitle.

Sub Title Color

Set the color for the subtitle.

Sub Title Font Size

Determine the font size for the subtitle.

Font Weight

Select the Font Weight for the Subtitle.

Sub Title Spacing Bottom

Determine the spacing of the Subtitle from the bottom.


Fill in the title for the content.

Title Color

Set the color for the title.

Title Font Size

Determine the font size for the title.

Title Font Size Mobile

Determine the font size for the title on Mobile

Enable Font Weight Italic?

Enable to transform title to be Italic.

Title Border

Select the border style for the title.

Title Border Color

Set the color for the title border.


Enter the Description for the block.

Description Color

Set the color for the description block.

Description Font Size

Determine the font size of the description.

Description Spacing Top

Determine the spacing of the description from the top.

Enable Description Hover?

The description will only appear on hover.


Enter the text for the button.


Specify the link for the button to redirect to.

Button Font Size

Determine the font size of the button.

Button Width

Determine the width of the button.

Color - Background Color - Background Gradient - Border Color

Set the text color, background, border color for both normal and hover states of the button.

Button Background Opacity

Determine the transparency of the button background.

Enable Custom Border?

Enable to apply custom border style.

Button Text Transform

Select the text transform style for the button text.

Show Button

Select the appearance of button when: By Default or On Hover.


Enter the icon for the button.

Button Spacing Top

Determine the spacing of the button from the top.

Last updated