Video Slider


Style Video

Select the type of the video to show.

YouTube video ID



Enable Border Line

Show the border for the Content Box. This works only on Desktop.

Padding Vertical

Determine the spacing between the content with the content top and bottom border. The ranging is from 0px to 100px.

Background Color Content

Set the background color for the Content Box. This works only on Desktop.

Border Color Content

Set the border color for the Content Box. This only works on Mobile.

Content: Position

Select the position of the slide content to be either: Center, to the Left or Right of the slide Image. Note that the position only works on Desktop. On Mobile, the content is automatically set to center for the best user experience.

Custom Position Content

Toggle to enable the Custom Position for the Slide Content, and this works on Desktop only.

Horizontal Position

Enter the desired position of the content from the left side of the slide image in %.

Vertical Position

Enter the desired position of the content from the top of the slide image in %.

Content: Alignment

Align the content including title, description and button to the Center, the Left or Right of the Content Box itself.

Content: Max Width

Determine the Max Width of the content box. This works only on Desktop.



Video link

Specify the link to the mp4 video if the Style Video: MP4 is selected


Use for MP4 Video


Sub Heading

Fill in the Sub-Heading for the slide content

Sub Heading Letter Spacing

Enter the spacing between letters of the sub-heading

Sub Heading Font Size

Determine the font size of the sub-heading.

Sub Heading Spacing Bottom

Determine the spacing of the sub heading from its bottom

Sub Heading Font Weight

Select the Font Weight of the Sub-Heading

Border Sub Heading

Select Solid to enable the border for the Sub-Heading.

Sub Title Position

Select the position of the Sub-heading to be either Above or Below the title.

Sub Heading Color

Set the color for the Sub-Heading.


Enter the text for the slide title.

Title Letter Spacing

Enter the spacing between letters of the slide title. eg: 0.02em

Heading Font Style

Select the Font Style for the Heading.

Heading Font Size

Determine the font size for the title.

Heading Line Height

Determine the line height for the title.

Heading Spacing Bottom

Determine the spacing of the title from the bottom.

Heading Color

Set the color of the title.


Fill in the description text.

Description Font Size

Determine the font size for the description text.

Description Spacing Bottom

Specify the spacing of the description from the bottom.

Description Color

Set the color for the description.

Description Color Mobile

Set the color for the description on Mobile.

Button Slideshow

Enter the text for the slide button.

Button Link

Specify the link for the button to redirect to.

Button Width

Determine the width of the button.

Color - Background Color - Background Gradient - Border Color

Set the text color, background and border color of the both hover and normal states of the button.

Last updated