Custom Image Settings

The block is divided into 2 different items whose settings are pretty much the same as below.


Enable Row Reverse

Swap the position of the items.

Select Image

Upload/choose an image for the item.

Background Color

Set the background color for the content.

Background Gradient

Set the background gradient for the content.

Border Color

Set the color for the border for the content.

Sub Title

Fill in the subtitle text for the item.

Enable Border Sub Title

Turn on underline of the subtitle.

Sub Title Letter Spacing

Enter the desired spacing between letters of the subtitle.

Sub Title Font Size

Determine the font size of the subtitle on Desktop, ranging from 0px to 50px.

Sub Title Font Size Mobile

Determine the font size of the subtitle on Mobile, ranging from 0px to 50px.

Sub Title Spacing Bottom

Determine the spacing of the subtitle from the bottom.

Sub Title Font Weight

Select the Font weight of the subtitle for the item.

Sub Title Position

Select the position of the subtitle to be either above or below the title.

Sub Title Color

Set the color for the subtitle.


Enter the title for the item.

Title Letter Spacing

Enter the desired spacing between letters of the title.

Title Font Size

Determine the font size of the title.

Title Font Size Mobile

Determine the font size of the title on Mobile.

Title Spacing Bottom

Determine the spacing of the title from the bottom.

Font Weight

Select the font weight of the title.

Title Color

Set the color for the title of the item.

Title Border

Select the borer for the title to be either: None, Style 1 (title underline) or Style 2 (title with a half-height background underneath it)

Title Border Color

Set the color for the title color


Enter the description of the item.

Description Font Size

Determine the font size of the description from 0px to 50px on Desktop.

Description Font Size Mobile

Determine the font size of the description from 0px to 50px on Mobile.

Description Line Height

Determine the lineheight of the description text.

Description Spacing Bottom

Determine the spacing between letters of the description text.

Description Color

Set the color for the description text.

Content: Max Width

Determine the max width of the whole item content including title, description and button (if any)

Content: Alignment

Align the content to the left or to the right or center of the block.

Settings for Video



Enter the URL to import video on the item.

Aspect Ratio (Unit: %)

Specify the ratio of width / height of the video that you want to display.

Icon Video Style

Select the style of the icon: Style 1 (the play icon looks similar to that of YouTube, Style 2 (the play icon is rounded)

Color Icon

Set the color for the play icon.

Background Color Icon

Set the background color for the play icon.

Button Settings


Button Text

Enter the text for the button of the item.


Enter the link for the button to redirect to.

Button Width

Determine the width of the button.

Color - Background Color - Border Color

Set the color, background color and border color for both normal and hover states of the button.

Last updated