Product Information
You can drag & drop all blocks in Product Information to arrange the position you want.
You can set up product page in the settings of Product Information
Setting | Description |
Layout: | Select the width layout of the section to be either default to the body's width, 1170px, 1770px or full screen width. |
Padding Container Full Width | Determine the spacing of the left and right sides if the layout 'fullwidth' is selected. |
Show Sticky Product Information on Large Screens | Enable to let Product Information fix in on long content page when scrolling down. |
Spacing top - Desktop / Tablet / Mobile | Determine the spacing of the section from the top on Desktop, Tablet and Mobile. |
Spacing bottom - Desktop / Tablet / Mobile | Determine the spacing of the section from the bottom on Desktop, Tablet and Mobile. |
Setting | Description |
Show Arrows for Desktop? | Enable to show navigation arrows on main image slider on Desktop. |
Show Arrows for Mobile? | Enable to show navigation arrows on main image slider on Mobile. |
Show Counter for Mobile? | Enable to show the slide counter on Mobile. |
Enable Parallax for Mobile? | Toggle to show the Parallax Effect of the Main image on Mobile. |
Layout | Select the style for the main image cluster. Style 1: The main image is for the current variant only. Style 2: The main images are listed down. Style 3: The main images are listed as grid. |
Setting | Description |
Show Thumbnail Mobile? | Show / Hide the product image thumbnails on Mobile. |
Layout Thumbnail | Select the layout for the thumbnail. Layout 1: Thumbnails are vertical and to the left of the main image. Layout 2: Thumbnails are vertical and to the right of the main image. Layout 3: Thumbnails are horizontal and to the bottom of the main image. Layout 4: Thumbnails are hidden. |
Setting | Description |
Show Sidebar? | Enable to show sidebar. Note that blocks rather than Custom Collection must be added for the sidebar to appear. |
Show Collapsible Block? | Turn the blocks in sidebar to be collapsible. |
Enable Sticky? | Fix the position of the sidebar when scrolling until the end of the collection content. |
Layout | Determine how collapsible blocks are presented: Layout 1 (The collapsible blocks appear with carets), Layout 2 (The collapsible blocks appear with minus and plus icons) |
Collapsible | Select the collapse state of the collapsible blocks when the page loads. |
Position | Select the position of the side to be either to the Left or Right. |
Select Font Type | Select the font family for the title of the sidebar. |
Font Size | Determine the font size of the title of the sidebar. |
Font Weight | Select the font weight of the title of the sidebar |
Text Transform | Select the text transform for the title of the sidebar |
Font Style | Select the font style of the title of the sidebar. |
Setting | Description |
Product Image Ratio | Select the width / height ratio type of the product media such as images. |
Portrait Aspect Ratio | Determine the ratio between width and height for Portrait media. |
Show Zoomed Image? | Zoom image on hover. |
Image Fit From Frame | Choose "Full Width or Height (No Crop)" or "Full Width & Height (With Crop)" option when applying product layout "Product Horizontal Tabs No Sidebar" or template "template-horizontal-tabs" |
Gallery Popup | Decide what happens when the media is clicked |
Video Layout | Decide where to show the video: As a Popup or on Thumbnail |
Setting | Description |
Show Badges | Show product badges such as New, Sale. |
Setting | Description |
Show Quantity | Show product quantity input field. |
Setting | Description |
Show Sub Total | Show the live subtotal of the product price along with quantity. |
Select Style | Select the style of the subtotal. Style 1: The subtotal is separated from the buy button cluster. Style 2: The subtotal is included in the buy button. |
Setting | Description |
Show Tabs? | Toggle to show / hide tabs |
Layout (Desktop) | Select the layout for the product tabs on Desktop. Vertical: The tabs are listed vertically and are collapsible. Vertical With Sidebar: The tabs are listed vertically and will show sidebar if clicked. Horizontal: The tabs are listed horizontally. Popup: The tabs are listed vertically and will show popup if clicked. |
Layout (Mobile) | Select the layout for the tabs on Mobile: Vertical or Popup. |
Style Layout | Select the icon for Vertical Layout. Style 1: The tab is presented with caret. Style 2: The tab is presented with plus/minus icons. |
Title Font Size | Determine the font size of the tab. |
Title Font Size Mobile | Determine the font size of the tab on Mobile. |
Title Font Weight | Select the font weight of tab |
Text Transform | Transform the text style to be normal (none), uppercase, lowercase or capitalize. |
Item Spacing Top/Bottom | Determine the spacing top and bottom of each tab. |
Product Tab Link Color | Set the color for product tab. This works for Horizontal Layout only. |
Border Color | Set the color for border of product tab. This works for Horizontal Layout only. |
Border Gradient Color | Set the gradient for border of product tab. This works for Horizontal Layout only. |
Last updated