Product Information
Last updated
Last updated
You can drag & drop all blocks in Product Information to arrange the position you want.
You can set up product page in the settings of Product Information
Select the width layout of the section to be either default to the body's width, 1170px, 1770px or full screen width.
Padding Container Full Width
Determine the spacing of the left and right sides if the layout 'fullwidth' is selected.
Show Sticky Product Information on Large Screens
Enable to let Product Information fix in on long content page when scrolling down.
Spacing top - Desktop / Tablet / Mobile
Determine the spacing of the section from the top on Desktop, Tablet and Mobile.
Spacing bottom - Desktop / Tablet / Mobile
Determine the spacing of the section from the bottom on Desktop, Tablet and Mobile.
Show Arrows for Desktop?
Enable to show navigation arrows on main image slider on Desktop.
Show Arrows for Mobile?
Enable to show navigation arrows on main image slider on Mobile.
Show Counter for Mobile?
Enable to show the slide counter on Mobile.
Enable Parallax for Mobile?
Toggle to show the Parallax Effect of the Main image on Mobile.
Select the style for the main image cluster. Style 1: The main image is for the current variant only. Style 2: The main images are listed down. Style 3: The main images are listed as grid.
Show Thumbnail Mobile?
Show / Hide the product image thumbnails on Mobile.
Layout Thumbnail
Select the layout for the thumbnail. Layout 1: Thumbnails are vertical and to the left of the main image. Layout 2: Thumbnails are vertical and to the right of the main image. Layout 3: Thumbnails are horizontal and to the bottom of the main image. Layout 4: Thumbnails are hidden.
Show Sidebar?
Enable to show sidebar. Note that blocks rather than Custom Collection must be added for the sidebar to appear.
Show Collapsible Block?
Turn the blocks in sidebar to be collapsible.
Enable Sticky?
Fix the position of the sidebar when scrolling until the end of the collection content.
Determine how collapsible blocks are presented: Layout 1 (The collapsible blocks appear with carets), Layout 2 (The collapsible blocks appear with minus and plus icons)
Select the collapse state of the collapsible blocks when the page loads.
Select the position of the side to be either to the Left or Right.
Select Font Type
Select the font family for the title of the sidebar.
Font Size
Determine the font size of the title of the sidebar.
Font Weight
Select the font weight of the title of the sidebar
Text Transform
Select the text transform for the title of the sidebar
Font Style
Select the font style of the title of the sidebar.
Product Image Ratio
Select the width / height ratio type of the product media such as images.
Portrait Aspect Ratio
Determine the ratio between width and height for Portrait media.
Show Zoomed Image?
Zoom image on hover.
Image Fit From Frame
Choose "Full Width or Height (No Crop)" or "Full Width & Height (With Crop)" option when applying product layout "Product Horizontal Tabs No Sidebar" or template "template-horizontal-tabs"
Gallery Popup
Decide what happens when the media is clicked
Video Layout
Decide where to show the video: As a Popup or on Thumbnail
Show Badges
Show product badges such as New, Sale.
Show Quantity
Show product quantity input field.
Show Sub Total
Show the live subtotal of the product price along with quantity.
Select Style
Select the style of the subtotal. Style 1: The subtotal is separated from the buy button cluster. Style 2: The subtotal is included in the buy button.
Show Tabs?
Toggle to show / hide tabs
Layout (Desktop)
Select the layout for the product tabs on Desktop. Vertical: The tabs are listed vertically and are collapsible. Vertical With Sidebar: The tabs are listed vertically and will show sidebar if clicked. Horizontal: The tabs are listed horizontally. Popup: The tabs are listed vertically and will show popup if clicked.
Layout (Mobile)
Select the layout for the tabs on Mobile: Vertical or Popup.
Style Layout
Select the icon for Vertical Layout. Style 1: The tab is presented with caret. Style 2: The tab is presented with plus/minus icons.
Title Font Size
Determine the font size of the tab.
Title Font Size Mobile
Determine the font size of the tab on Mobile.
Title Font Weight
Select the font weight of tab
Text Transform
Transform the text style to be normal (none), uppercase, lowercase or capitalize.
Item Spacing Top/Bottom
Determine the spacing top and bottom of each tab.
Product Tab Link Color
Set the color for product tab. This works for Horizontal Layout only.
Border Color
Set the color for border of product tab. This works for Horizontal Layout only.
Border Gradient Color
Set the gradient for border of product tab. This works for Horizontal Layout only.