
Perks block is room for extra functionalities for the product such as showing size chart, compare variant color and show ask an expert form for quick Q&A.


Spacing top / bottom

Determine the spacing top and bottom of the block.

Size Chart


Show size chart

Enable to show the size chart in the block.

Using Different Size Chart For Product By Following

For the best understanding of how to use and setup the size chart, please refer to the link:

Image Type

Select the image format for the size chart to be either JPG or PNG. This only works for the Size Chart of Product Type and Product Vendor

Upload Image

Upload / choose an image as a size chart if Custom Image Setting is selected above.

Compare Color


Show Compare Color

Enable the compare color feature in the block.

Drop & Drop (On Desktop)

Enable the drag and drop ability on variant colors for comparison.


Select the location of the Compare Color Icon. Style 1: The compare color stays in block along with size chart and ask an expert. Style 2: The compare color will be on main image.

Last updated