Slider Navigation Dots, Arrows and Page Pagination

Slideshow, Image Banner, Product Block, Product Recommendations and Recently Viewed Product Sections will have separate settings for navigation arrow positions.

Dots Style



Select the style of slider pagination dots. Style 1: Dots will simply styled with its background, border and hover state color. Style 2: Dots group will also have a background layer.

Arrows Style



Select the style of slider navigation arrows. Style 1: Arrows are carets.

Style 2: Arrows have longer tails.

Enable Button Arrows 'Disable'?

Show the arrow even when the slider has reached its end of items length.

Border Width

Determine the thickness of pagination arrow borders.

Border Radius

Round the corners of arrow. The range is from 0% (arrow border is a rectangle), to 50% (arrow border is a circle).

Width Arrows/ Height Arrows

Determine the width and height of the arrow border.

Size Icon Arrows

Determine the size of the arrow icon inside the border.

Position Horizontal Arrow - (Unit % or px)

Fill in the desired positions of arrows horizontally relative to their slider.


Settings for page pagination such as blogs page.



Select the style for the pagination. Style 1: Pagination arrows are text "prev" and "next". Style 2: Pagination arrows are carets. Style 3: Pagination arrows are long-tailed.


Align the Pagination cluster to the left, right or center of the products grid.

Last updated