Large Image Settings


Select Image

Upload/Choose an image as the banner for the block.

Select Image Mobile

Upload/Choose an image as the banner for the block on Mobile.

Enable Custom Width Image

Enable to customize the width of the banner image, which can be set in the below setting.

Custom Width

Determine the desired width of the image if the checkbox to enable custom width above is checked.

Enable Parallax Image

Enable to set the image fixed in the position when users scroll to create interesting parallax effect.

Enable Scroll Down

Enable to show the scroll down button.


Enter the text for the slide subtitle.

Enable Border Sub Title

Enable to show the underline of the subtitle.

Sub Title Font Size

Determine the font size on desktop of the subtitle ranging from 14px to 50px.

Sub Title Font Size Mobile

Determine the font size on mobile the subtitle ranging from 14px to 50px.

Sub Title Spacing Bottom

Determine the spacing of the subtitle from the bottom.

Sub Title Font Weight

Select the font weight of the subtitle.

Sub Title Position

Select the position of the subtitle to be either above the title or below the title.

Sub Title Color

Set the color of the subtitle.

Sub Title Color Mobile

Set the color of the subtitle on mobile.


Enter the title for the slide.

Enable Font Weight Italic?

Transform the title to be italic.

Title Font Size

Determine the font size of the title ranging from 0px to 100px.

Title Font Size Mobile

Determine the font size of the title on Mobile ranging from 0px to 100px.

Title Spacing Bottom

Determine the spacing of the title from the bottom.

Title Color

Set the color of the title of the slide.

Title Color Mobile

Set the color of the title on Mobile.

Title Border

The Border of the title has 3 options: None, Style 1 (have a short underline for the title) or Style 2 (have a half-height background underneath the title)

Title Border Color

Set the color for the border of the title.

Title Border Color Mobile

Set the color for the border of the title on Mobile.


Enter the description text for the slide.

Description Font Size

Determine the font size of the description ranging from 0px to 50px.

Description Font Size Mobile

Determine the font size of the description on Mobile from 0px to 50px.

Description Line Height

Determine the line height of the description text.

Description Spacing Bottom

Determine the spacing between letters of the description text.

Description Color

Set the color for the description.

Description Color Mobile

Set the color for the description on Mobile.

Content: Max Width

Determine the max width of the slide content including title, description and button.

Content: Position

Select the position of the content to be either to the left, to the right or the center of the slide.

Content: Alignment

Align the content inside the content block to be to the left, to the right, or to the center.

Content: Align Items

Vertically align the content to the top, to the center or to the bottom.

Custom Position Content

If you're not satisfied with the native supported position of the browser, you can enable the Custom Position Content to manually set its position.

Horizontal Position

Fill in the horizontal position of the content block relative to the image in % percentage.

Vertical Position

Fill in the vertical position of the content block relative to the image in % percentage.

Button 1 / Button 2


Button Text

Enter the text for the button.


Fill in the link for the button to redirect to.


Fill in the icon for the button.

Button Width

Determine the width of the button.

Enable Custom Border

Toggle to show/hide the custom border underneath the button.

Color - Background Color - Border Color

Set the color, background and border for both normal and hover states of the button.

Last updated