From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Themes.
Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.
Choose Collection from the dropdown window. After that, scroll to Sidebar and you can make changes in editor for other elements:
Setting | Description |
Show Sidebar? | Enable to show sidebar. Note that blocks rather than Custom Collection must be added for the sidebar to appear. |
Show Collapsible Block? | Turn the blocks in sidebar to be collapsible. |
Enable Sticky? | Fix the position of the sidebar when scrolling until the end of the collection content. |
Layout | Determine how collapsible blocks are presented: Layout 1 (The collapsible blocks appear with carets), Layout 2 (The collapsible blocks appear with minus and plus icons) |
Collapsible | Select the collapse state of the collapsible blocks when the page loads. |
Type | Select how the sidebar is presented: Vertical (the sidebar will lie on the left or the right of the page), Horizontal ( the sidebar will lie on the beginning of the page) |
Position | Select the position of the side to be either to the Left or Right. (For Vertical Type and for sidebar on Mobile) |
Select Font Type | Select the font family for the title of the sidebar. |
Font Size | Determine the font size of the title of the sidebar. |
Font Weight | Select the font weight of the title of the sidebar |
Text Transform | Select the text transform for the title of the sidebar |
Font Style | Select the font style of the title of the sidebar. |
Last updated