Spotlight Block

To add this section, please follow below steps:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Themes.

  2. Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.

  3. Click Add section and choose "Spotlight Block".




Select the width layout of the section to be either default to the body's width, 1170px, 1770px or full screen width.

Padding Container Full Width

Determine the spacing of the left and right sides if the layout 'fullwidth' is selected.

Disable Padding Content?

The max width of the section will be 100% minus the double of padding Container Full Width

Margin Minus Top

Determine the margin top in negative number (the section will get closer to the section above it)


Select the layout for the items to be either Grid or Slider

Layout Responsive Mobile

Select the layout for the items to be either Grid, Slider or Scroll Snap on Mobile


Select the number of items to show on a row.

Column Mobile

Select the number of items to show on a row on Mobile.

Enable Arrow?

Enable to show the arrow for the slider.

Enable Border Bottom?

Enable to show the border for the section bottom.

Border Color

Set the color for the border of the bottom of the section.

Spacing top - Desktop / Tablet / Mobile

Determine the spacing of the section from the top on Desktop, Tablet and Mobile.

Spacing bottom - Desktop / Tablet / Mobile

Determine the spacing of the section from the bottom on Desktop, Tablet and Mobile.

Background Color

Set the Background Color for the whole section.

Background Gradient

Set the Background Gradient for the whole section. If the gradient is none, then the background color will be applied if any.

Background Image

Upload/choose an image as the background for the section.


Enter the title for the section.

Enable Title Border?

Turn on the title border.

Title Font Size

Determine the font size of the section title on Desktop ranging from 10px to 50px.

Title Font Size Mobile

Determine the font size of the section title on Mobile ranging from 10px to 50px.

Title Margin Bottom

Determine the spacing of the title from the bottom.

Title Color

Set the title color for the section.


Enter the text for the section description.

Description Color

Set the color for the description text.

Description Spacing Bottom

Determine the spacing of the description from the bottom.

Description Font Size

Determine the font size of the description.


Align the content including title and description to the left, the right or center of the section.

Grid Gap

Determine the gap between each block.

View all

Enter the text for the view all link

View All Font Size

Determine the font size of the view all.

View All Alignment

Align the view all link to the left, the right or center of the section.

View All Font Weight

Select the font weight for the view all link.

View All Margin Bottom

Determine the spacing of the view all from the bottom.

View All Margin Bottom Mobile

Determine the spacing of the view all from the bottom on Mobile.

Enable View All Border?

Underline the view all link

View All Link

Specify the URL for the view all to redirect to

View All Color

Set the color for the view all link

Display Button

Show the section button.

Button Text

Fill in the text for the Show More Button for the Grid layout.

Button Link

Specify the link for the section button to redirect to.

Color - Border - Background

Set the text color, background and border color for the button.

Button Width

Determine the width of the button ranging from 50px to 600px.

Button Spacing Top

Determine the spacing of the button from the top.

Enable Box Shadow

Toggle to show the button shadow.

Horizontal Length

Determine how far the shadow falls horizontally from its origin.

Vertical Length

Determine how far the shadow falls vertically from its origin.

Blur Radius

Determine how blur the shadow is.


Determine how far the shadow keeps its original thickness before getting blur.

Background Box Shadow

Set the color for the box shadow.


Select Yes to let the shadow falls inward to the button.

Enable Plus Icon?

Enable to show the plus icon.

Color Plus Icon

Set the color for the plus icon.

Last updated