Product Media
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Adapt To Image
Select the display type of media on product card: Adapt to image: the image size on product card will scale according to the image actual size. Portrait: The image of the product card will have a height more than its width. The ratio of the width and height can be adjusted with the "Image height (%)" setting below. Square: The image of the product card will be a square.
Image Height (%)
Fill in the desired ratio of the width and height of the product card media in %.
Image Fit
Select the product card image crop type: Default: The image will keep its current scale ratio to adapt. Full Width or Height (no crop): The image will scale to cover up the full area of set product card image with retained ratio. Full Width or Height (with crop): The image will scale to scale up until the width or height reached the width or height of the set product card image with retained ratio.
Product Image Swap
Toggle the functionality when the product card image is hovered, it will swap to the second image.
Enable Video When Hovering Product Items?
The same as Product Image Swap but for video if there is any mp4 video attached to the product.
Show Product Image Loading Effect
Toggle the display of placeholder when the image is being loaded due to lazyload.
Product Image Loading Effect Name
Fill in the text to be shown during the Image Loading Effect.
Product Review
Toggle the display of ratings star on product card.
Product Compare
Toggle the display of compare checkbox on product card.
Product Quick View Type
Select the display type of quick view button on product card. Default: The quick view button is shown in the center of the product card when hovered. Icon: The quick view eye icon button is grouped with the wishlist button to the right of left side.
Position QuickView & Wishlist
Select the desired position of the quick view and wishlist buttons cluster either on the right or left side of product card.
Product Image Swap is a feature which allows adding a product image hover effect. In other words, it flips or changes a product image on hover.
Product Video Swap is a feature which allows adding a product video hover effect. In other words, it plays a product image on hover.
This feature works with products having MP4 video only.
// Import link for the loading effect video