

Use image or text for Icon?

Select the icon type for the block.


Upload / choose an image as an icon for the item block.


Fill in the icon text (svg) as the icon for the item block.

Icon Width

Determine the width of the icon ( for Icon Type )

Icon Height

Determine the height of the icon ( for Icon Type )

Icon Spacing Right

Determine the spacing of the icon from the right.


Enter the title for the block title.

Title Font Size

Determine the font size for the title.

Title Font Size Mobile

Determine the font size for the title on Mobile.

Title Spacing Bottom

Determine the spacing of the title from bottom.

Title Font Weight

Select the font weight of the title.

Title Font Style

Select the font style of the title to be normal, italic or oblique.


Enter the description text for the block.


Specify the link for the block to redirect to.

Last updated