Complementary Products


Show Complementary Product?

Enable to show the Complementary Products block.


Fill in the heading title for the block.

Heading Font Size

Determine the font size of the title on Desktop.

Heading Font Size Mobile

Determine the font size of the title on Mobile.

Show Arrows?

Show navigation arrows for block slider.

Show Dots?

Show pagination dots for block slider.

Layout Style

Select the layout for the block. Default: A slide is a product. Custom: A slide consists of multiple products, assembled vertically.

Products To Show

Set the number of products to show per view.

Object Fit

Select the image fit for the image. None: set the image default size. Cover: set the image to be full width AND full height of its container, with ratio maintained. Contain: set the image to be full width OR full height of its container, with ratio maintained.

Spacing top / bottom

Determine the spacing top and bottom of the block from other elements.

Last updated