Color (Products)

Here you can change color for: Product Card, Product Size, Product Swatch, Product Hot Stock, Product Wishlist, Product Compare, Product Quick View, Product Action, Product Badge.

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Themes.

  2. Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.

  3. Click Theme settings -> COLORS (PRODUCTS).

Set up for Product Card


Product Vendor Color

Sets the color of the product vendor on the product card.

Product Title Color

Sets the color of the product title on the product card.

Product Title Color Hover

Sets the color of the product title on the product card for hover state.

Product Price Color

Sets the color of the product price on the product card.

Product Price Sale Color

Sets the color of the product sale price on the product card.

Product Price Compare Color

Sets the color of the product compare price on the product card.

Countdown Color

Sets the text color of the countdown block on the product card.

Countdown Background Color

Sets the bacground color of the countdown block on the product card.

Product Size

At Theme Settings -> click Product Card -> Set up for Product Card -> enable setting 'Product Size Variant?' to show Product Size on product card.



Sets the text color of product size variants.

Background Color

Sets the background color of product size variants.

Border Color

Sets the border color of product size variants.

Hover / Active Color

Sets the text color of product size variants for hover state.

Hover / Active Background Color

Sets the background color of product size variants for hover state.

Hover / Active Border Color

Sets the border color of product size variants for hover state.

Product Swatch


Border Color

Sets the border color of the color swatch on the product card.

Border Color Active

Sets the border color of the color swatch on the product card for active states.

Product Hot Stock


Text / Icon Color

Sets the text color of the Product Hot Stock function on the product detail page.

Product Wishlist


Text / Icon Color

Sets the text color and icon color of the product wishlist on the product card.

Background Color

Sets the background color of the product wishlist on the product card.

Border Color

Sets the border color of the product wishlist on the product card.

Text / Icon Color (Added)

Sets the text color and icon color of the product wishlist on the product card for added states.

Background Color (Added)

Sets the background color of the product wishlist on the product card for added states.

Border Color (Added)

Sets the border color of the product wishlist on the product card for added states.

Product Compare

These color settings only apply to the Icon product compare type.


Text / Icon Color

Sets the text color and icon color of the product compare on the product card.

Background Color

Sets the background color of the product compare on the product card.

Text / Icon Color (Added)

Sets the text color and icon color of the product wishlist on the product card for added state.

Background Color (Added)

Sets the background color of the product wishlist on the product card for added state.

Product Quick View


Text / Icon Color

Sets the text color and icon color of the product quick view on the product card.

Background Color

Sets the background color of the product quick view on the product card.

Text / Icon Color (Hover)

Sets the text color and icon color of the product wishlist on the product card for hover state.

Background Color (Hover)

Sets the background color of the product wishlist on the product card for hover state.

Product Action



Sets the text color of the product action button on the product card.

Border Color

Sets the border color of the product action button on the product card.

Background Color

Sets the background color of the product action button on the product card.

Background Gradient

Sets the background gradient of the product action button on the product card.

Hover / Active Color

Sets the text color of the product action button on the product card for hover state.

Hover / Active Border Color

Sets the border color of the product action button on the product card for hover state.

Hover / Active Background Color

Sets the background color of the product action button on the product card for hover state.

Hover / Active Background Gradient

Sets the background gradient of the product action button on the product card for hover state.

Product Badge


New Badge Text

Sets the text color of the New badge on the product card and product detail page.

New Badge Background

Sets the background color of the New badge on the product card and product detail page.

Sale Badge Text

Sets the text color of the Sale badge on the product card and product detail page.

Sale Badge Background

Sets the background color of the Sale badge on the product card and product detail page.

Soldout Badge Text

Sets the text color of the Soldout badge on the product card and product detail page.

Soldout Badge Background

Sets the background color of the Soldout badge on the product card and product detail page.

Custom Badge Text

Sets the text color of the Custom badge on the product card and product detail page.

Custom Badge Background

Sets the background color of the Custom badge on the product card and product detail page.

Bundle Badge Text

Sets the text color of the Bundle badge on the product card and product detail page.

Bundle Badge Background

Sets the background color of the Bundle badge on the product card and product detail page.

Last updated