Special Banner

Section settings


Section Width

Choose the maximum width of the section on Desktop. The options are Default (width of the body content set in the Theme Settings), 1170px, 1370px, 1470px, 1570px, 1770px, 1920px and Full Width (the width of the browser).

Loading Effect

Apply effects to images and text after the web page loads and scrolls down.

Spacing Top / Spacing Bottom

Set the spacing of section from the top / bottom.

Block settings

[BLOCK]Image with Rotating Text


Select Image

Upload/Select an image for the block.


Specify the link for the banner image to redirect to.

Rotating text


Enter the text for the rotating effect.


Set color for the text.

Letter Spacing

Space between character.


Select the position of the rotating text to be either to the Left, Center or Right.

[BLOCK]Image with Text


Select Image

Upload/Select an image for the block.


Specify the link for the banner image to redirect to.


Content: Alignment

Select the position of the whole content to be either to the Left, Center or Right.

Content: Align Items

Select the position of the whole content to be either to the Top, Center or Bottom.


Enter in the heading for the block.

Heading Font Size

Determine the font size of the heading on Desktop.

Heading Font Size Mobile

Determine the font size of the heading on Mobile.


Enter the description for the block.

Description Font Size

Determine the font size of the description.

Button Text

Enter the text for the button.

Button Font Size

Determine the font size of the button.


Set the color for the whole content.

Collection banner


Heading Font Size

Determine the font size of the heading for all banner items on Desktop.

Heading Font Size Mobile

Determine the font size of the heading for all banner items on Mobile.

Description Font Size

Determine the font size of the description for all banner items.

Button Font Size

Determine the font size of the button for all banner items.

Item 1 / Item 2

Select Image

Upload/Select an image for the item.


Enter in the heading for the item.


Enter the description for the item.

Button Text

Enter the text of the button for the item.


Specify the link for the banner image to redirect to.

[BLOCK]Lookbook Banner


Heading Font Size

Determine the font size of the heading for all banner items on Desktop.

Heading Font Size Mobile

Determine the font size of the heading for all banner items on Mobile.

Icon color

Set the color for the lookbook dot.

Lookbook Style

Select the style for lookbook. - Style 1: A popup is a product card. - Style 2: A popup is minimal with product title and price info only.

Show Counter Number

Show above next arrow of slider. (Position current of item on slider / total items.)

Item 1 / Item 2 / Item 3

Select Image

Upload/Select an image for the item.


Enter in the heading for the item.


Specify the link for the banner image to redirect to.

Product 1 / Product 2

Select Product

Select a product for a lookbook dot.

Dot Horizontal Position (%)

Determine the horizontal position of the dot relative to the block's left.

Dot Vertical Position (%)

Determine the horizontal position of the dot relative to the block's top.




Select the layout of the product card to be in a Grid or Slider.


Enter in the heading for the block.


Select the collect to show for this block.

Maximum Products To Show

Limit the number of products displayed on this block.

Show Counter Number

Show above next arrow of slider. (Position current of item on slider / total items.) * Applies to Slider product layouts only.

Last updated