
Here is a record of all notable changes made to the theme. With this note, you can easily know what we updated for Ella Template.

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Ella version 6.6.2 (11/07/2024)

We have added the following designs and features:

We have updated the following features:

  • Added: 'Pagination' for the Collections List page.

  • Added: 'Custom Label' product badge by metafield to display labels with different text for each product.

  • Added: Setting allows the size chart to use a custom page.

  • Added: Setting allows the color swatch to display with color name and count in the filter.

  • Updated: The 'Variation Image Group' function applies to all product layouts.

  • Updated: Logic for the 'Delivery Time' block on product page - If the 'Delivery Cut Off' setting is set to less than the current time, delivery time will be added by one day.

  • Updated: The 'Product Combo' function can add identical products to the product combo list.

  • Updated: Show wishlist counts for all headers.

We have improved & fixed the following features:

  • Improved: JS, CSS, Liquid.

  • [Sidebar] Filter: When a word is reused many times in different tags, that tag will not be displayed in the [Sidebar] Filter block but will be displayed in the More filter block.

  • Sticky Add To Cart: The compare-at price does not change when changing variants.

  • Quick Shop: When using the Quick Shop 2 option, prices will lose their currency code when changing variants.

  • Video on Product Card: Video don't work when hovering over the product card after filtering on the collection page or searching for products in quick search.

  • Search Popup: When changing the currency, products in search result still display the default currency.

  • Sale Badge: When disabling the Sale badge in theme settings, it still shows on the product page as 'Null %'.

  • Add to cart on Quick View: Don't show popup cart after clicking Add To Cart when disable 'Show Quick Cart?' setting and 'After Add To Cart' setting using 'Show Quick Cart' or 'Show Add To Cart Popup (Minimal)' option.

  • Fixed: some other minor issues.

Ella version 6.6.1 (24/05/2024)

We have added the following designs and features:

We have updated/fixed the following features:

  • Added Product Tags to the Product Detail Page.

  • Added settings for Sticky Checkout Button on Mobile.

  • Added settings dropdowns for 'Shipping Estimate' and 'Coupon Code'.

  • Added settings for Sticky Add To Cart Always On Mobile.

  • Added settings for Sidebar 'Swipe right (on mobile)'.

  • Added Customer Avatar.

  • Updated the 'Variant Image Grouped' feature.

  • Updated the H1 tags for SEO compliance.

  • Updated 'Quick Shop 1', 'Quick View', and 'Edit Cart' styles for Mobile

  • Updated Filter Price - Multiple Currencies.

  • Updated color settings in the 'Featured Product' section.

  • Improved JavaScript, CSS, and Liquid.

  • Fixed issues with Predictive Search, Filter Price, Fancybox - Main Product Image, Product Block - Scrolling, Section Slideshow, Sale Badge, and other minor issues.

  • Fixed JavaScript, CSS, and Liquid.

Ella version 6.6.0 (17/04/2024)

We have added the following design and feature:

  • 06 New Sections: Featured Articles Carousel, Newsletter With Countdown, Collections List, Spotlight Products, Custom Product Widget, Product Highlight.

  • New Product Card 08.

We have updated/fixed the following features:

  • Added the Wishlist icon block to the Mobile Header.

  • Added a setting to display the Product Wishlist icon in full color.

  • Added video setup for mobile in the Slideshow section.

  • Added settings to select the Wishlist page link.

  • Added the settings option 'always' for the Mobile Header - Sticky.

  • Added a setting to layout showing 1 item under mobile in the product template Gallery.

  • Improved: JavaScript, CSS, Liquid.

  • Fixed: Product Swatch, Vertical Mobile Header, Quickview, Variant Image Grouped, Product Bundle & Product Combo, Filter Price, Product Block - RTL, and other minor issues.

  • Fixed: JavaScript, CSS, Liquid.

Ella version 6.5.5 (29/02/2024)

We have added the following new features:

  • Added: Animated Cursors Effects: Following Cursor Effect + Swirl Cursor Effect

The following cursor effect makes it easier for readers to navigate around the bold, content-heavy website. It makes the cursor more prominent so users can more easily locate where they are and move around the content-rich site.

The swirl cursor effect is a great contrast against the stark black background.

  • Page Preloading Effects: Logo image, Loading bar, and Rolling

Preloaders are essential interface elements, signaling that the website is active and processing data to prevent users from assuming it has crashed.

Creative animations enliven interfaces, adding uniqueness and branding to products. This small detail can significantly enhance user experience.

  • Built-in Store locator page: We have built this page to work with Google Maps, eliminating the need to pay for a 3rd party app.

We have updated/fixed the following features:

  • Compatibility with Shopify Subscriptions App

  • Improved: JavaScript, CSS, Liquid

  • Fixed: Product Bundle, Product Combo, Breadcrumb, Buy It Now button color, Language and Currency on Header Nav - Plain, Product Card, RTL layout, and other minor issues.

  • Fixed: JavaScript, CSS, Liquid

Ella version 6.5.4 (26/01/2024)

We've detected an Image Display issue in the Ella Theme due to the recent Chrome update, where a short code attribute is no longer supported. Our team has promptly addressed this and released an update to the theme source on Themeforest. If you prefer not to update the entire theme, follow this instructions to resolve the issue on your website.

Ella version 6.5.4 (18/12/2023)

We have added the following design and feature:

We have updated the following features:

  • Update to show Collection for Breadcrumb

  • Update to show filter by Color

  • Update a new logic to load the Mobile Menu faster.

  • Update a new logic to load the product data faster.

  • Improve for RTL layout when using Translate App

We have fixed the following issues:

  • Elements With Non-unique for Quick Search

  • Logic for Calculate Free Shipping Message

  • Sidebar on Filter doesn't work with a different name of "More Filter" from Filter By Tag title

  • Mobile Header CSS issue on an old IOS version

  • Issue with Gift Wrap

  • Announcement Bar doesn't work on old IOS version when using animation

  • Issue with Product Bundle when the sidecart has not loaded

  • Product Price on Quickview doesn't update by variants

  • Style issue when using Special Banner within Image Banner section

  • And we’ve squashed other minor pesky bugs also

Ella version 6.5.3 (10/10/2023)

We recently released Ella Version 6.5.3 with enhanced theme animations. This update has caused some unexpected issues due to theme structure changes. We've updated our Ella theme source on Themeforest. If you don't want to update the whole theme, follow the instructions to fix issues independently. Contact our support team if you need help.

Ella version 6.5.3 (29/09/2023)

We've just rolled out a new UI/UX and Animation update, packed with enhancements to elevate your store's overall experience:

  • Added: Loading Animation: Fade up

  • Added: Hover Effects: Vertical Lift and 3D Lift

  • Added: Section Animations: Ambient Movement and Zoom-in on scroll

  • Added: "Infinite Scrolling" for Instagram + Brands Slider.

  • Added: "Swatch Color" type 'Metafields' – use color codes or images with PNG format from metafields.

  • Updated: Changed the email form from "Our Server" to "Shopify" on the send email form.

  • Updated: Cart Page – updated deprecated discounts property on line items.

  • Updated: Added recipient fields "send on date" to your gift card products.

We have fixed the following issues:

  • Improved: JS, CSS, Liquid.

  • Fixed: Wishlist page error when turning off Product Price settings.

  • Fixed: Product Card 06 error on Wishlist page when turning off the Show/Hide Button option in Product Card settings.

  • Fixed: Cart Page – cannot increase or decrease product quantity.

  • Fixed: Header Nav Multi-Site setting – mobile logo for tab menus now works correctly.

Ella version 6.5.2 (24/08/2023)

In recent days, Shopify has made updates to code that has affected to the Product Block and Recently Viewed Product.

This update version, we fixed:

  • Section Product Block: The Setting of "Maximum Products To Show" doesn't work.

  • Section Recently View Products: Disappear on page.

  • Sticky Add To Cart doesn't update the correct price.

Follow this instruction to fix the issues by yourself if you don't want to update the entire theme

Ella version 6.5.2 (11/08/2023)

We have fixed the following issues:

  • Removed the "Text Logo" loading effect on product card to improve theme performance.

  • When turning off Language / Currency on the Header, an error is reported on the Category page.

We have updated the following features:

  • Updated: Slideshow: Add a new option to change "Change slides every".

  • Updated: Brands Slider: Add a new option "Slideshow Auto Play" and "Change slides every".

  • Updated: Product Tab Metafield use namespace "c_f" or "custom" both work.

  • Updated: Remove page "Bulk Editor".

Ella version 6.5.2 (03/08/2023)

We have fixed the following issues:

  • Page Collection List layout "Collections 04 Grid" error not displayed.

  • Product with only one variant will still display the "Choose Options" text button instead of "Add to Cart".

  • Product Combo error when Add to cart, the previous added products will be deleted.

  • Page Cart when Add to cart the products in the Product Block, the background error and the product cannot be added.

  • Completed editing to ensure compliance with ADA standards.

Ella version 6.5.2 (04/07/2023)

We have added the following features:

We have updated the following features:

  • Update settings for COUNTDOWN function on cart page.

  • Social Share: update code and remove settings related to Addthis.

  • Update loading effect for sections: Brands Slider, Newsletter, Rich Text, Policies Block, Customer Review.

We have fixed the following issues:

  • No change in price and currency when changing Currency on filter price.

  • Not show the search sidebar when clicking the search icon on mobile if you turn off Quick Search Feature in theme settings.

  • Variant Image Group: main image not showing when clicking on product variants.

  • When changing Currency then using the 'Calculate Shipping' function, the price inside still defaults to $.

  • Instagram section: .webp images not working.

  • Pre-order button on product page: shows Add to Cart when hiding quantity block.

  • The hamburger icon must be clicked twice to bring up the sidebar menu on iOS.

  • If using Quick Shopping 1 or 3 on mobile, the Quick Add pop-up breaks when the collection page shows the list view.

  • Added wrong product when adding products to cart on Edit Option popup.

Ella version 6.5.1 (31/05/2023)

We have updated the following features:

  • Speed Optimization

  • Updated logic for product variant.

  • Added: setting "Show recipient form for gift card products" on product page.

  • Added: setting "Enable Currencies Format" to show currency code after the price.

  • Added: Image Focal Point.

We have fixed the following issues:

  • Button Show More on Product Block not working.

  • Currency: error when disabling Language / Currency setting on Header and Header Navigation.

  • Header Nav Multi Site: clicking the menu on the landing page it goes back to activating the first tab menu.

  • Quantity On Cart Page: error when increasing quantity to maximum.

  • Section Newsletter: social icon color and alignment settings not working.

  • Menu mobile not showing in theme editor.

Ella version 6.5.0 (18/04/2023)

This is a small update version which we fixed 4 below issues in theme only:

  • Fixed: Layout issue for Quick Search

  • Fixed: Header navigation multi site: Cannot change color for Menu Level 1

  • Fixed: Error happens when increasing quantity to the maximum on cart page

  • Fixed: Show More button on the Product block cannot work correctly.

  • Updated: Header Advanced: Add a new option to change logo position

Ella version 6.5.0 (10/04/2023)

We have added the following features:

  • Section groups: Header & Footer Customizationa without code - Less Code, More Flexibility

  • New Home - Bagratica

We have updated the following features:

  • Removed: Setting CUSTOM CSS in Theme settings.

  • Removed: Setting Header, Footer, Header Mobile, Header PC, Footer Layout in Theme settings / MULTIPLE LAYOUTS.

We have improved & fixed the following issues:

  • Improved: JS, CSS, Liquid

  • Fixed: Announcement Bar when setting option layout Slider it doesn't work.

  • Fixed: Price on sticky Add To Cart.

  • Fixed: Sticky Notification Bar not working when disable Sticky Toolbar Mobile.

  • Fixed: Can't click on product image on product card when selecting Product Card 02 and showing option Product Size Variant.

  • Fixed: Setting font size for Product Vendor and Product Price not working.

  • Fixed: Video on Product Block section not working.

  • Fixed: Close popup button of Product Tab not working after changing variant of main product on mobile.

  • Fixed: some other minor issues.

Ella version 6.4.2 (09/03/2023)

This is a small update version which we fixed 4 below issues in theme only:

  • On mobile menu when click on hamburger icon will not actually open menu but will go to the collection page.

  • On IOS mobile when clicking on product image, it will not go to product detail page with the first click, have to double tab it.

  • The same as #2 for products on quick search

  • Announcement bar on top will not work if it has slider with multiple announcements texts

Ella version 6.4.2 (10/01/2023)

We have added the following features:

  • Marquee on Product Card

  • Marquee Section

  • Before/After Image Slider Section

  • TikTok Video Section

We have updated the following features:

  • Someone Purchase

  • Product Card: Added option to show wishlist and quick view icon on mobile.

  • Wishlist Page: Added option to choose Grid or List layout for wishlist page.

  • Product Detail Page: Added option to show/hide icon zoom on mobile.

  • Product price on Sticky Add To Cart.

We have fixed the following issues:

  • Variant not changed on quick view popup when quantity input is disabled.

  • Sold In Last function not showing on quick view popup.

  • Theme settings: option "Product Price?" in Product Card not working properly.

  • Cookie Popup re-appearing after accept button clicked.

Ella version 6.4.1 (06/12/2022)

We have added the following features:

  • New Home - Swimwear 2

  • Grid View layout for Wishlist page.

  • Store Locator Page

  • Sticky Promotion

  • Top Bar Promotion

  • Hot Stock Function for products without variants / options.

  • Scroll Layout for Related Product and Recently Viewed sections.

  • Option to toggle "Shipping is calculated at checkout" text on quick cart and page cart.

  • Color gradient settings for the GDPR popup.

  • Saved price next to the product price on product page.

We have fixed the following issues:

  • Back to top button not showing when sticky recently viewed is turned off.

  • Product tabs shows no content when tab vertical layout is selected for both Desktop and Mobile.

  • Quick shop not working for products with color and without size options.

  • The variant image getting blurry even the proper resolution is selected.

  • The background color of the collection description changing to grey when position absolute is active.

  • The read more button appearing even when collection has no description.

  • The padding Container Full Width not working on the product page.

Ella version 6.4.0 (31/10/2022)



  • New Header

  • New Footer

  • New Sections

  • New Product Card

  • Update Filter By Tags(New code structure with Shopify Search & Discovery)

Ella version 6.3.0 (14/10/2022)

We have updated the following features:

  • Update RTL Layout.

  • Update to integrate the “New Customer Account” for the new authentication experience.

  • Update to integrate Complementary Products block provided by Shopify in the Main Product.

  • Update to integrate Predictive Search from Shopify.

  • Update Variant Image Group in the Product Page.

  • Update Variant Description in Product Page.

We have fixed the following issues:

  • Fix the caret arrow overlapping the long text on Mega Menu Dropdown Level 2.

  • Fix to change the Product Title from a tag to span tag in Product Page.

  • Fix the Filter by Tags not working properly when Multiple Filter Choices is off.

  • Fix the Variant Dropdown Select not working on Product Page.

Ella version 6.2.3 (21/09/2022)

We have updated the following features:

  • Updated the Vertical Menu to be closed by default on all pages excluding homepage.

  • Updated the Quick Search based on Shopify's new Predictive Search engine.

We have fixed the following issues:

  • Fixed the language icon not clickable on mobile.

  • Fixed the pre-order and quantity check when customers adding an item to cart.

  • Fixed Sticky Add to Cart not working for products having no variants.

  • Fixed the Header 06's Menu Tabs to work properly (after a user clicks a link, the current page will stay along with its own navigation menu).

  • Fixed the sidebar category menu items not working if they are under level 2 levels deep.

Ella version 6.2.2 (06/09/2022)

We have fixed the following issues:

  • Attached the correct link to reset user's password on Auth Sidebar.

  • Changed the label name from 'Logo Image Fixed' to 'Logo Image for Sticky Header/Fixed Header'.

  • Fixed the coexistence of 3 of the h1 tags in Product Detail.

  • Fixed the Vimeo videos not showing after click in Product Detail.

  • Fixed the images that have the extension of 'webp' not showing.

  • Fixed the layout of Review's pagination.

  • Fixed the layout of the pagination of the address field when collecting user's info.

  • Fixed the Further Info. text of Block Policies being wrapped to the next line on Sidebar.

  • Fixed the Block Customer Info missing translation in Product Detail.

  • Fixed the input quantity not getting disabled when the product has only one variant and 0 items in stock.

  • Fixed the Bundle Popups not allowing users to scroll if the content overflows.

Ella version 6.2.1 (26/08/2022)

We have added some of these new features:

  • Updated Schema for all product pages for better SEO performance.

  • Added the settings to switch between circle or rectangle on Mobile Menu Level 3 items.

  • Added the Dynamic Source Option to select the Metafield along with entering Metafield key to render custom tab content. Now user can add multiple custom tabs instead of one.

  • Added Section Page to insert any other page's content.

We also fixed major errors on our theme:

  • Fixed the error of facet filters not showing options when ‘Closed By Default’ is selected.

  • Fixed the error of Currency changing not working on mobile.

  • Fixed the error of Mega Menu item disappearing on Collections List Page.

  • Fixed the Custom Item Properties not showing after item being added to cart or at checkout.

  • Fixed the Related Products and Recently Viewed Blocks not loading images if the Shop has only 1 product.

  • Fixed the Countdown of Product Block not working on Mobile, and color settings not being applied.

Ella version 6.2 (19/08/2022)

  1. Added "Variant Image Grouped" function

  2. Added more setting for "Image Resizing and Cropping Settings": Theme Settings -> Product Card -> Scroll down to "Set up for Product Card"

We fixed the below issues in theme:

  1. Fixed "Not showing Custom Image for Color option in Filter Sidebar".

  2. Fixed products not showing on Masonry Collection layout.\

  3. Re-write currency conditions not to cause below issues when merchant doesn't set up currency format correctly:

    • Subtotal not updated when the currency is not properly formatted.

    • Variants are not updated when clicking

    • Slider images are not showing

    • Main image doesn't updated when clicking the color

Ella version 6.2 (19/08/2022)

  1. Added "Variant Image Grouped" function

  2. Added more setting for "Image Resizing and Cropping Settings": Theme Settings -> Product Card -> Scroll down to "Set up for Product Card"

We fixed below issues in theme:

  1. Fixed "Not showing Custom Image for Color option in Filter Sidebar".

  2. Fixed products not showing on Masonry Collection layout.

  3. Re-write currency conditions not to cause below issues when merchant doesn't set up currency format correctly:

    • Subtotal not updated when the currency is not properly formatted.

    • Variants are not updated when clicking

    • Slider images are not showing

    • Main image doesn't updated when clicking the color

Ella version 6.1 (16/08/2022)

  1. We updated languages files, will continue updating all languages to support you in translation.

  2. We added a setting to change color for Sold In Last Function.

  3. Updated for Countdown product block on homepage to show texts of day/hour/minute

We fixed some issues below:

  1. Quantity block Product Recommend quick shop option 2.

Ella version 6.1 (10/08/2022)

  1. Added option to "Hide Sticky Header on Scroll Down".

We fixed some issues below:

  1. Error of not checking available add-to-cart quantity when the product has only variant.

  2. Related errors when the Multiple Currencies option is off.

  3. Sale prices are not shown in the Product Bundle Section.

Ella version 6.0 (05/08/2022)

We fixed some issues below:

  1. Error Page Product reported wrong HTML.

  2. Update the Block Banner section to show individual images of each Collection in Page Collections.

  3. Add settings to toggle the Drag icon for the Product Block setting.

Ella version 6.0 (02/08/2022)

We fixed some issues below:

  1. Price doesn't show when setting up for currency incorrectly.

  2. Add to cart Quick action: button qty must be aligned with add to card and the number inside must be aligned with + and - kindly.

  3. Product page: qty field must have spacing with the add to cart button. Kindly.

  4. Quantity is not aligned well on Iphone

  5. Recently viewed: product title should be aligned

Ella version 6.0 (01/08/2022)

A Next Generation of Ella which is built from scratch for everything!

  1. New Design - New Look (We have reviewed and made changes to the design to keep them up-to-date)

  2. New layouts are released (Shoes, Furniture, Gym, Games, Automotive,... Many more are coming soon

  3. Fresh Code - Optimized Code

  4. Powerful Configuration - Rewrite all theme settings. Expand the maximum customizability

  5. Focus on Mobile-First Design

  6. Many enhancements for UI UX. Focus on Conversion Rate

  7. New Features

  8. Ella HTML source is included for FREE

  9. Good performance

Ella version 5.1.0 (03/03/2022)

  1. New Design For Home 12 - Pet Supplies

  2. Updated Theme Settings

  3. Allowed To Show Activated Color When Selecting Color Filter Option

  4. Fixed Minor Issues

  5. Updated Documentation

Ella version 5.0.9 (25/01/2022)

  1. Added: Sticky Toolbar Mobile

  2. Added: Dynamic Product Filter On Sidebar For Search Page

  3. Added: New Custom Functions On Product Detail Page: (Free Shipping - Free Returns - COVID-19 SHIPPING DELAY NOTICE) Https://Tinyurl.Com/Y8ruwnsz

  4. Updated: Settings For Text Tranform, Font Weight, Font Size For Menu, Product Title, Vendor

  5. Updated: Hot Stock Function For Product

  6. Updated: Option To Turn Off Color Name Next To The Product Title

  7. Changed: The Layout Of "Top Categories" Block Of Home 23 On Mobile

  8. Updated: FAQs Page To Have More Settings

  9. Fixed: Some Minor Bugs

Ella version 5.0.8 (10/12/2021)

  1. Improved Design For Home 14 - Swimwear

  2. Fixed Some Minor Issues

  3. Updated Documentation

Ella version 5.0.7 (20/11/2021)

  1. New Homepage: 23 - Fashion 03

  2. Added One New Block: Custom Text Block

  3. Adjusted Design For Header 06 And Footer 04

  4. Updated Documentation

Ella version 5.0.6 (01/11/2021)

  1. Improved Design For Home 09 - Supermarket

  2. Updated Documentation

Ella version 5.0.5 (19/10/2021)

  1. Improved Design For Home 03 - Car/ Auto Parts

  2. Updated Documentation

  3. Fixed Some Minor Issues

  4. Added Code To Hide The Default Scrolling Horizontal Bar On Browsers On Mobile Devices

Ella version 5.0.4 (08/10/2021)

  1. Added Filter By Tags

  2. Updated Instruction For Filter By Tags In Documentation

  3. Fixed Some Minor Issues

Ella version 5.0.3 (28/09/2021)

  1. Updated Design For Home 07 - Jewelry

  2. Changed The Loading Style For Product

  3. Fixed Some Minor Issues

  4. Updated Preset Data For Home 07

Ella version 5.0.2 (29/08/2021)

  1. Updated Design For Home 04 - Lingerie

  2. Changed Layout For Product Page: Image Gallery

  3. Fixed Some Minor Issues

  4. Updated Preset Data For Some Homepages

Ella version 5.0.1 (20/08/2021)

  1. Updated Design For Home 05 - Cosmetic

  2. Fixed Some Minor Issues

  3. Updated Instruction For Landing Page In Documentation

Ella version 5.0.0 (07/08/2021)

  1. Support The Latest SHOPIFY VERSION - 2.0: Sections On EVERY PAGE. You Now Can Add Sections On Every Page

  2. Dynamic Product Filter

  3. New Meta Field Structure

  4. Many More Enhancements On Themes

  5. Fixed Some Minor Issues

  6. Updated Theme Documentation

Ella version 4.6.1 (28/06/2021)

  1. Updated Design For Home 02 - Winter Sport And Home 06 - Men Suit

  2. Improved Some CSS, JS, Code Liquid

  3. Improved Loading Speed

Ella version 4.6.0 (25/06/2021)

  1. Added New Function: Show Video When Hovering Product Item: Https://New-Ella-Demo-11.Myshopify.Com/?_ab=0&_fd=0&_sc=1&Preview_theme_id=120284086323

  2. Fixed Some Minor Issues

Ella version 4.5.0 (14/06/2021)

  1. New Skin: SURFUP

  2. New Product Detail Page: 08

  3. New Mobile Header 03

  4. More Styles Of Blocks On Homepage

  5. Added Function: Click Color Swatches In Product Grid To Go To Product Detail Page With The Corresponding Activated Color

  6. Improved More Functions For Better Experience

  7. Fixed Some Minor Issues

Ella version 4.4.0 (17/05/2021)

  1. New Premium Skin: SUPERMARKET Layout 02

  2. More Block And Styles Of Blocks On Homepage

  3. Added Function: Real Stock Display On Product Page

  4. Fixed Some Minor Issues

Ella version 4.3.1 (23/04/2021)

  1. Fixed Sticky Add To Cart Does Not Response Properly In Mobile

    Responsive For Buttons For Dropdown Cart On Mobile

  2. Fixed Short Description Error With Meta Field App

  3. Fixed Currency Images Don't Show. Fixed To Get Data From Shopify

Ella version 4.3.0 (21/04/2021)

  1. New Premium Skin: SUPERMARKET Layout 01

  2. New Category Page

  3. New Product Detail Page

  4. New Header 08 + Footer 09

  5. More Block And Styles Of Blocks On Homepage

  6. Added Coupon Code + Gift Wrap Functions On Cart Page

  7. Fixed Some Minor Issues

Ella version 4.2.1 (26/03/2021)

  1. Fixed Issue: Cannot Go To Sub-Menu On Ipad View

Ella version 4.2.0 (17/03/2021)

  1. Released Ella RTL (Right To Left), Version 4.2.0. Folder: Ella Sections Ready 4.2.0 RTL

Ella version 4.2.0 (16/03/2021)

  1. ADDED NEW SKIN: Flower Shop

  2. New Header: 07

  3. New Footer: 08

  4. More Styles Of Blocks On Homepage

  5. Updated Function: Show "New" Product Label Automatically

  6. Added Option To Show Tiktok As Social Media

  7. Fixed Minor Issues On Ella

Ella version 4.1.1 (04/03/2021)

  1. Fixed Issue Regarding Login Notification On Login Page

Ella version 4.1.1 (02/02/2021)

  1. Fixed: The Product Number Add To Cart Goes On Negative Numbers

  2. Fixed: Style Of Filter On Category No Sidebar

Ella version 4.1.0 (27/01/2021)

  1. ADDED NEW SKIN: FASHION 02 Full Width

  2. Landing Page Layout

  3. Local Pickup Function

  4. Fixed A Few Minor Bugs On Ella

Ella version 4.0.1 (08/01/2021)

  1. Fixed Newsletter Popup On Ella 4.0

  2. Fixed Parallax Issue On Home 06

Ella version 4.0.0 (20/11/2020)

  1. Improved: Theme Loading Speed For Better Loading


  1. Quick Shop

  2. Quick Edit Cart, Quick Auto Update Cart

  3. Before You Leave Popup

  4. Color Comparison On Product Detail Page

  5. Calculate Free Shipping Threshold

  6. Notify Me Out Of Stock

  7. Hot Stock (Upsell Feature)

  8. Term And Condition Popup

  9. Social Share/ Newsletter Scrolling Bar

  10. Bulk Editor


  12. More Flexible Content Blocks, Page Layouts

  13. 04 New Mega Menu Layouts (Total 08)

  14. New Mobile Header

  15. Fixed A Few Minor Bugs On Ella

Ella version 3.0.8 (07/04/2020)

  1. Added: Built-In Support For 3D Models And Video

  2. Fixed: Minor Bugs

Ella version 3.0.7 (16/03/2020)

Updated For Ella:

  1. Updated Instagram Block: Use An Instagram App Or An Image Gallery Popup

Updated For Ella RTL Version:

  1. Updated Instagram Block

  2. Replaced Include Liquid Tag By Render Liquid Tag

  3. Updated Multi-Languages Function

  4. Added New Countdown Function For All Of Products

  5. Added Pre-Order Function

Ella version 3.0.6 (17/02/2020)

  1. Replaced Include Liquid Tag By Render Liquid Tag

  2. Updated Multi-Languages Function: Remove The Old Language Structure And Replace By Shopify Multi Languages Function With More Enhancements. Allow You To Use 6 Different Languages At The Same Time On Store. Please Read New Instruction At Multi Languages In Ella User Guide

  3. Added New Countdown Function For All Of Products

  4. Added Pre-Order Function

  5. Fixed: Minor bugs.

  6. Updated: Small css.

  7. Updated: Slideshow section, Fixed banner 02 section.

Ella version 3.0.5 (Released 16/11/2019)

  1. Added New Homepage: Christmas

  2. Added 02 Sub Collection Pages

  3. Added More Blocks On Homepage

  4. Added Checkbox: Term And Condition

  5. Related Products According To New Shopify Tutorial

Ella version 3.0.4 (Released 04/09/2019)

New Features Added Into Ella:

  1. Auto Currency By Location

  2. Support Shopify Multiple Currencies

  3. Shopify Module: Recently Viewed Scrolling Popup

Ella version 3.0.3 (Released 05/08/2019)

  1. Added: Ella Sections Ready 3.0.0 RTL (Support Right To Left)

Ella version 3.0.2 (Released 21/05/2019)

  1. Added Custom Page Layouts: About Us Pages, Contact Page, Portfolio Pages, 404 Page, Password Pages.

Ella version 3.0.1 (Released 25/04/2019)

  1. Added: Upsell Bundled Products (Offer Discount Feature)

  2. Fixed: Minor bugs.

Ella version 3.0.0 (Released 02/04/2019)

New Ella Theme (Bootstrap 4 Version) With Multiple Page Layouts was released.

  1. 15+ Stunning Homepage Layouts

  2. Numerous Header + Footer Options

  3. 07+ Layouts Options For Category Page

  4. 09+ Layouts Options For Product Page

  5. 05 Collection Page Layouts, 06 Blog Page Layouts And Numerous Custom Pages: Lookbook, FAQs, Contact Us, Brands Layout A-Z, Shop Instagram…

  6. Express Order Module

  7. Enhanced Instant Search

  8. Ask An Expert Form

  9. Ajax Cart Popup/ Ajax Sidebar Cart

  10. Variant Grouped Images

  11. Look book Module

  12. Ajax Popup For Login & Registration

  13. Grouped Product/ Frequently Bought Together

  14. Image Gallery With Video + Zoom Effect In Product Details Page

Last updated