FAQs Page
Last updated
Last updated
Ella Theme offers FAQs Page which known as the frequently asked questions section, is a web page in your online store where you address common concerns, questions, and objections customers have.
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Pages.
Click Add page.
Enter a title (ex: FAQs). After that, choose the Theme template like the below image.
Click Save.
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Themes.
Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.
Choose Pages from the dropdown window -> Choose template-faqs
Section width
Select the layout width of the whole section. The options are: Default (same as the body width) Width (1170px) Width (1770px) Full width (100% of the viewport width).
Padding for 'full width' option on desktop
Determines the left and right padding of the full width layout.
Show breadcrumb
Enable to show the breadcrumb.
Breadcrumb alignment
Select the position of the breadcrumb to be either to the left, right, or center of its container.
Background color - Background gradient - Background color on mobile - Background gradient on mobile
Set the background color/gradient for both the desktop and mobile.
Show page title
Enable to show the page title.
Page title alignment
Select the position of the page title to be either to the left, right, or center of its container.
Show FAQs filter
Enable to show FAQs filter.
Enter text to show above the FAQs filter.
Enter the text for the heading.
Enter the text.
Message method icon 1/2
Select the icon image.
Icon 1/2 link
Enter the link for the icon image.
Icon text 1/2
Enter the text below the icon image.
Text contact
Enter the text.
Button label
Enter the text for the button.
Button link
Enter URL for the button to redirect to.
Button label color - Button border color - Button background color - Button background gradient - Button label hover color - Button border hover color - Button background hover color - Button background hover gradient
Set the text color, background and border color for both the normal and hover states of the button.
Determines the height of the top inner space of the section on the desktop device. Can be from 0px to 100px, increasing arithmetically of 5px (pixel).
Determines the height of the top inner space of the section on the tablet device. Can be from 0px to 100px, increasing arithmetically of 5px (pixel).
Determines the height of the top inner space of the section on the mobile device. Can be from 0px to 100px, increasing arithmetically of 5px (pixel).
Determines the height of the bottom inner space of the section on the desktop device. Can be from 0px to 100px, increasing arithmetically of 5px (pixel).
Determines the height of the bottom inner space of the section on the tablet device. Can be from 0px to 100px, increasing arithmetically of 5px (pixel).
Determines the height of the bottom inner space of the section on the mobile device. Can be from 0px to 100px, increasing arithmetically of 5px (pixel).
Enter the heading for Frequently Asked Questions list.
Enter the frequently question.
Enter the answer.