Custom Image Banner

To add this section, please follow below steps:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Themes.

  2. Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.

  3. Click Add section and choose "Custom Image Banner".

Section settings




Select the layout width of the whole section. The options are: Default (same as the body width), 1170px, 1770px, Full Width (the 100% of the viewport width).

Padding Container Full Width

Determine the left and right spacing of the Full Width layout.

Layout Mobile Responsive

Select the layout for the section render on mobile device. The options are: List, Scroll Snap and Slider.

Grid Gap

Determine the spacing between each block item in the section.

Background Color

Apply Color on the background of the section.

Background Gradient

Apply Color on the background gradient of the section.

Background Image

Select/Upload an image as the section background.

Spacing Top / Spacing Bottom on Desktop, Tablet, Mobile

Determine the spacing of the section from its top and bottom sections on Desktop, Tablet and Mobile separately.




Select the alignment of the header text to be either to the Left, Center or to the Right of the section.


Enter the title text for header.

Title Color

Apply color on the section title.

Title Font Size

Determine the font size of the title.

Title Font Size Mobile

Determine the font size of the title on mobile.

Title Margin Bottom

Determine the bottom spacing of the section title.


Enter the text for the section description.

Description Color

Apply color on the section description text.

Description Font Size

Determine the font size of the section description.

Blocks Settings

Small Image


Item Width

Enter the desired width of the small image cluster relative to the section.

Item Grid Gap

Determine the spacing between the images in the block.

Item Border Radius

Determine the roundness of the block item.

Content: Alignment

Select the alignment of the content in the small image to be either to the Left, Right or Center.

Content: Align Items

Select the vertical alignment type of the content in the small image to be either to the Top, Center or Bottom.

Content: Spacing Top/Spacing Bottom

Determine the spacing of the content from the top or bottom border of the image based on its vertical alignment.

Content: Spacing Left/Spacing Right

Determine the spacing of the content from the left or right border of the image based on its horizontal alignment.

Enable Border Sub Title

Toggle the border to show on the subtitle.

Sub Title Font Size

Determine the font size of the subtitle.

Sub Title Spacing Bottom

Determine the bottom spacing of the subtitle.

Title Font Size

Determine the font size of the title.

Title Font Size Mobile

Determine the font size of the title on Mobile.

Title Spacing Bottom

Determine the bottom spacing of the title.

Title Spacing Bottom Mobile

Determine the bottom spacing of the title on mobile.

Enable Font Weight Italic?

Toggle to set the title font to be Italic.

Description Font Size

Determine the font size of the block description.

Description Spacing Bottom

Determine bottom spacing of the description.

Description Spacing Bottom Mobile

Determine the bottom spacing of the description on Mobile.

Button Font Size

Determine the font size of the button.

Button Width

Determine the width of the button.

Button Background Opacity

Specify the transparency of the button background.

Button Text Transform

Set the text transform to be normal, lowercase, uppercase or capitalize.

Enable to show Item

Toggle to show image item in the block.


Determine the width of each item relative to the block's width.

Spacing Bottom

Determine the bottom spacing of each image.


Upload/Select an image in the cluster.


Enter the subtitle for the image.

Sub Title Color

Apply color on the subtitle.


Enter the title for the image.

Title Color

Apply color on the image title.


Enter the description text for the image.

Description Color

Apply color on the image description.


Enter the text button the image button.


Specify the link for the button redirect to.

Color - Border Color - Background Color - Background Gradient - Hover / Active Color - Hover / Active Border Color - Hover / Active Background Color - Hover / Active Background Gradient

Apply colors for the text, background and border of the image button for both normal and hovered/clicked states.


Enter the SVG for the button icon near its text.

Large Image


Item Width

Enter the desired width of the large image relative to the section.

Item Border Radius

Determine the roundness of the block item.

Spacing Bottom

Determine the bottom spacing of the large image.


Select/Upload an image for the block.


Select the alignment of the text to be either to the left, right or center of the Large Image block.

Content: Align Items

Select the vertical alignment of the text to be either to the top, center or bottom of the Large Image block.

Content: Spacing Top/Spacing Bottom

Determine the spacing of the content from the top or bottom border of the image based on its vertical alignment.

Content: Spacing Left/Spacing Right

Determine the spacing of the content from the left or right border of the image based on its horizontal alignment.


Enter the subtitle for the Large Image block.

Enable Border Sub Title

Toggle to show the underline of the subtitle.

Sub Title Color

Apply color onto the subtitle.

Sub Title Font Size

Determine the font size of the subtitle.

Sub Title Spacing Bottom

Determine the bottom spacing of the subtitle.


Enter the title for the block.

Title Color

Apply color onto the block title.

Title Font Size

Determine the font size of the title.

Title Font Size Mobile

Determine the font size of the title on mobile.

Title Spacing Bottom

Determine the bottom spacing of the title.

Title Spacing Bottom Mobile

Determine the bottom spacing of the title on mobile.

Enable Font Weight Italic?

Toggle to apply italic font style on title.


Enter the description text for the block.

Description Color

Apply color on the description text.

Description Font Size

Determine the font size of the description text.

Description Spacing Bottom

Determine the bottom spacing of the description.

Description Spacing Bottom Mobile

Determine the bottom spacing of the description on mobile.


Enter the text for the button at the bottom.


Specify the link for the button to redirects to.

Button Font Size

Determine the font size of the button text.

Button Width

Determine the width of the button width.

Color - Border Color - Background Color - Background Gradient - Hover / Active Color - Hover / Active Border Color - Hover / Active Background Color - Hover / Active Background Gradient

Apply colors for the text, background and border of the image button for both normal and hovered/clicked states.

Button Background Opacity

Determine the transparency of the button background.

Button Text Transform

Select the text transform of the button text to be Normal, Uppercase, Lowercase or Capitalize.


Enter the SVG code for the icon in the button.

Last updated