Update from Ella 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 to Ella 6.0

If your store is using Ella 5.0 or less and you want to use Ella 6.0 or higher, the customization and setup is needed from the start as Ella 6.0 took over 1 year to be rebuilt from scratch. We would appreciate your understanding and patience for this version transition as the steps below:

  1. Download the package from themeforest.net (the package is in zip format)

  2. Unzip the package you've just downloaded

  3. Find this file: ella-6.7.1-theme-source.zip in the folder Ella Shopify 6.0, then you just need to upload ella-6.7.1-theme-source.zip file to your Shopify store

  4. Follow our instructions in this documentation to set up theme again

  5. Re-install apps if you need

  6. Re-do custom works if there are any you want to replicate on Ella 6

Last updated