Spotlight Block
Last updated
Last updated
To add this section, please follow below steps:
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Themes.
Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.
Click Add section and choose "Spotlight block".
Section width
Choose the maximum width of the section on the Desktop. The options are:
Width (1170px)
Width (1320px)
Width (1470px)
Width (1570px)
Width (1770px)
Full width (the width of the browser)
Padding for 'full width' option on desktop
Determine the left and right spacing of the full width layout.
Remove content right padding
Toggle padding for the content.
Negative top margin
Determine the section negative spacing from the top.
Select the layout of the block item to be in a Grid or Slider.
Mobile layout
Select the layout for the section render on mobile device. The options are:
List Scroll Snap Slider Note: Only applicable for grid layout
Desktop columns count
Select the column count for the grid and slider on destop.
Mobile columns count
Select the column count for the grid and slider on mobile.
Enable center mode for mobile
Toggle to use property center mode.
Grid gap
Specifies the distance between items.
Corner radius
Determine the roundness of the image.
Show navigation arrows on desktop
Toggle the navigation arrows on desktop.
Show navigation arrows on mobile/tablet
Toggle the navigation arrows on Mobile/Tablet.
Horizontal position of arrows (unit % or px)
Enter the position of the arrows relative to the top of the slider.
Show navigation dots on desktop
Toggle the paginating dots on desktop.
Show navigation dots on mobile/tablet
Toggle the paginating dots on Tablet and Mobile.
Show bottom border
Toggle Border Bottom
Border color
Apply a color to the border bottom.
Background color - Background gradient
Set color (or gradient) for the section background.
Background image
Upload/Select an image as the section background.
Enable position customization
Enter in the title for the section.
Show title border
Toggle title border
Title color
Apply a color to the title of the section.
Title color on mobile
Apply a color to the title of the section on mobile.
Title font size
Specify the font size of the title.
Title font size on mobile
Specify the font size of the title on mobile.
Title bottom margin
Determine the spacing of the title from bottom on Desktop.
Enter the text for the description.
Description color
Apply a color to the description.
Description bottom margin
Determine the spacing of the description from bottom.
Description font size
Specify the font size of the description on desktop.
Select the alignment of the content to be either to the Left, Center or to the Right of the section.
'View all' style
Select the style for the view all. There are 2 styles: Style 1 Style 2
View all
Enter the text for the "view all" link.
'View all' font size
Determine the font size of the "view all".
'View all' alignment
Select the alignment of the view all text to be either to the Left, Center or to the Right.
'View all' font weight
Select the font weight of the 'view all' text.
'View all' bottom margin
Determine the top spacing of the "view all" Desktop.
Show 'view all' border
Toggle view all border.
'View all' link
Set URL for the "view all" to redirect to if the "Redirect To URL" is selected.
'View all' link color
Apply a color to the "view all" of the block.
Show button
Toggle the button display at the bottom.
Select the display position of the button.
Enter the text for the button.
Enter URL for the button to redirect to.
Label color -Border color - Background color - Background gradient - Label hover color - Border hover color - Background hover color - Background hover gradient
Set the text color, background and border color for both the normal and hover states of the button.
Determine the width of the button.
Top margin
Determine the spacing of the buttons from top.
Bottom margin
Determine the spacing of the buttons from bottom.
Show plus icon on hover
Toggle the plus icon for block item.
Plus icon color
Apply a color to the plus icon.
Show content border
Toggle the border for the content.
Border color
Apply a color to the border.
Show box shadow
Toggle Box Shadow
Horizontal length
Determine the offset of the box shadow to the right.
Vertical length
Determine the offset of the box shadow to the left.
Blur radius
Determine the how blur the box shadow is.
Determine the far the thickness of the box shadow maintains.
Box shadow color
Set background color for the box shadow
Show inset shadow
Toggle to set the box shadow falls inward or outward.
Show image
Toggle image to show.
Upload/Select image for the banner.
Content alignment
Select the horizontal alignment of the text content to be either to the Left, Right or Center.
Show content on image
Toggle the content inside the image.
Content position
Select the vertical alignment of the text content to be either to the Top, Bottom or Center.
Content top/bottom spacing
Determine the top and bottom spacing of the text content relative to the image's top/bottom based on the alignment on desktop
Content top/bottom spacing on mobile
Determine the top and bottom spacing of the text content relative to the image's top/bottom based on the alignment on mobile
Background color
Background Color
Content top margin
Determine the spacing of the content from top.
Content bottom margin
Determine the spacing of the content from the bottom.
Content left/right spacing
Determine the spacing of the content from left/right (cannot be used when 'Enable Border Content' is enabled in the settings section).
Enter in the sub title for the content item.
Show subtitle border
Toggle border sub title
Subtitle color
Apply a color to the sub title of the content item.
Subtitle font size
Specify the font size of the sub title.
Subtitle font weight
Select the font weight of the sub title
Subtitle bottom margin
Determine the spacing of the sub title from bottom.
Enter in the title for the section.
Title color
Apply a color to the title of the content item.
Title font size
Specify the font size of the title.
Title font size on mobile
Specify the font size of the title on mobile.
Title font weight
Select the font weight of the title
Make the title text italic
Toggle font weight italic of the title
Title border style
Select border/underline style of title:
Full border
Thick border
Short border
Border on hover
Title border color
Apply a border color to the title.
Enter the text for the description.
Description color
Apply a color to the description.
Description font size
Specify the font size of the description.
Description top margin
Determine the spacing of the description from the top.
Show description on hover
Toggle description on hover
Button style
Select the style of the button:
Primary button Secondary button Tertiary button
Button label
Enter the text for the button.
Button link
Enter URL for the button to redirect to.
Button font size
Determine the font size of the button.
Button width
Determine the width of the button.
Button background opacity
Specify the transparency of the button background.
Show custom border
Toggle custom border?
Show button on hover
Toggle to only show button when hovering over the item.
Button label style
Transform the text of the button to be either normal, uppercase, lowercase or capitalize.
Button top margin
Determine the spacing of the buttons from top.
Button label color - Button border color - Button background color - Button background gradient - Button label hover color - Button border hover color - Button background hover color - Button background hover gradient.
Set the text color, background and border color for both the normal and hover states of the button.
Show image
Toggle image to show.
Upload/Select image for the banner.
Content alignment
Select the horizontal alignment of the text content to be either to the Left, Right or Center.
Show content on image
Toggle the content inside the image.
Content position
Select the vertical alignment of the text content to be either to the Top, Bottom or Center.
Enter in the sub title for the content item.
Show subtitle border
Toggle border sub title.
Subtitle color
Apply a color to the sub title of the content item.
Subtitle font size
Specify the font size of the subtitle.
Enter in the title for the section.
Title color
Apply a color to the title of the content item.
Title border style
Select border/underline style of title:
Full border
Thick border
Short border
Border on hover
Title border color
Apply a color to the border of the title.
Title font size
Specify the font size of the title.
Title font size on mobile
Specify the font size of the title on mobile.
Make the title text italic
Toggle font weight italic of the title
Enter the text for the description.
Description color
Apply a color to the description.
Description font size
Specify the font size of the description.
Description top margin
Determine the spacing of the description from top.
Button label
Enter the text for the button.
Enter URL for the button to redirect to.
Button font size
Determine the font size of the button.
Button background opacity
Specify the transparency of the button background.
Button label style
Transform the text of the button to be either normal, uppercase, lowercase or capitalize.
Button Spacing Top
Determine the spacing of the buttons from top.
Button label color - Button border color - Button background color - Button background gradient - Button label hover color - Button border hover color - Button background hover color - Button background hover gradient.
Set the text color, background and border color for both the normal and hover states of the button.
Adjust the title to the specific position. Demo: .
Enter the SVG icon for the button. Note: Go to this link . Find the icon you want, then copy the SVG code and paste it here.
Enter the SVG icon for the button. Note: Go to this link . Find the icon you want, then copy the SVG code and paste it here.