Delivery Time

Delivery Time helps customers know the estimated delivery time from the moment they place an order through the settings on your store.

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Themes.

  2. Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.

  3. Choose Default product template in the dropdown of editor window to open theme editor of product page.

  1. From Product Information -> Click Add block -> Choose Delivery Time.

Block settings



Enter the SVG icon

Text Color

Apply a color to the text.

Delivery Text

Add the text you want to display on Delivery Time. The values: hour, date_start, and date_end must be placed in […]; otherwise, the exact time cannot be displayed.

Font Size

Specify the font size of the text.

Delivery Start Date

Set Delivery Start Date: 2 days; today is Thursday, May 23, and Exclude Days SAT, SUN (You have excluded Saturday, May 25, and Sunday, May 26).

Delivery End Date

Set Delivery End Date: 6 days; today is Thursday, May 23, and Exclude Days SAT, SUN => Wednesday, May 29.

Exclude Days

Add the day in a week that you wanna exclude.

Date delivery format

Select a format you would like to use.

Delivery Cut Off

Set the time within the day when you want to cut off delivery here.

Text hours/ minutes

This option allows you can customize the text of the Text hours/ minutes. Example: Instead of using "hours/minutes," you can set it as "h/mins". Or you can set it to be suitable for your country's language.


Determine the spacing of the block from top.


Determine the spacing of the block from bottom.

Last updated