Image Banner
Last updated
Last updated
To add this section, please follow below steps:
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Themes.
Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.
Click Add section and choose "Image banner".
Section ID
Enter the Section ID to match the Menu link to enable the scroll to Section feature. Note: Enter the section ID to match the menu link and enable the scroll-to-section feature.
Section Width
Select the layout width of the whole section. The options are: Default (same as the body width) Width (1170px) Width (1470px) Width (1570px) Width (1770px) Width (1920px) Full width (100% of the viewport width).
Padding for 'full width' option on desktop
Determines the left and right spacing of the full width layout.
Select the layout display for the block items to be either Slide or List.
Show navigation arrows
Toggle to show navigation arrows.
Arrows position (% or px)
Enter the horizontal offset of the arrows relative to the slider in px or %.
Show navigation dots
Toggle to show dots in slide.
Auto-rotate slides
Toggle to let the slide autoplay.
Gap between each block for list layout
Determines gap between each block for list layout.
Enter the title for the section.
Show title border
Toggle to show title border/underline.
Title color
Set color for the title border/underline.
Title font size
Determine the font size of the title.
Title font size on mobile
Determine the font size of the title on mobile.
Title bottom margin
Determine the font size of the title.
Enter the description text of the section.
Description color
Set the color for the description text.
Description font size
Specify the font size of the description text.
Select the alignment of the title and description of the section.
Background style
Select the background style. There are 3 styles: None One-third width Full width Note: Not applicable when the background image setting is selected.
Background color
Set color for the block background.
Background gradient
Set color gradient for the block background.
Background image
Upload/Select an image as the block background
Determines the height of the top inner space of the section on the desktop device. Can be from 0px to 100px, increasing arithmetically of 5px (pixel).
Determines the height of the top inner space of the section on the tablet device. Can be from 0px to 100px, increasing arithmetically of 5px (pixel).
Determines the height of the top inner space of the section on the mobile device. Can be from 0px to 100px, increasing arithmetically of 5px (pixel).
Determines the height of the bottom inner space of the section on the desktop device. Can be from 0px to 100px, increasing arithmetically of 5px (pixel).
Determines the height of the bottom inner space of the section on the tablet device. Can be from 0px to 100px, increasing arithmetically of 5px (pixel).
Determines the height of the bottom inner space of the section on the mobile device. Can be from 0px to 100px, increasing arithmetically of 5px (pixel).
Upload/Select an image for the block on Desktop. Recommended image size: width x height (1880 x 720)px
Image for mobile
Upload/Select an image for the block on Mobile. Recommended image size: width x height (638 x 870)px
Enable custom width for image
Toggle to apply custom width setting.
Custom width
Determine the width of the image block only when the enable custom width Ismage is active.
Enable scroll down
Toggle the scroll-down functionality.
Enable motion image
Toggle the motion image functionality.
Motion image
Upload/Select an image for the motion functionality.
Fill in the subtitle for the block.
Show subtitle border
Toggle to show the underline/border of the subtitle.
Subtitle font size
Determine the font size of the subtitle.
Subtitle font size on mobile
Determine the font size of the subtitle on Mobile.
Subtitle bottom margin
Determine the spacing of the subtitle from its bottom.
Font family
Select the font type to be either Font Family #1 or #2. The font family of each option is specified in the theme settings > typography.
Subtitle font weight
Select the font weight of the subtitle to be either Normal, Medium, Semibold, Bold, Extra bold, or Black.
Subtitle position
Select the position of the subtitle to be either above the title or below it.
Subtitle color
Set color for the subtitle text.
Subtitle color on mobile
Set color for the subtitle text on mobile device.
Enter the text for the title of the block.
Title letter spacing
Enter the letter spacing for the title.
Make the title text italic
Toggle to apply italic style to the title text.
Title font size
Determine the font size of the title.
Title font size on mobile
Determine the font size of the title on Mobile.
Title bottom margin
Specify the spacing of the title from bottom.
Title font weight
Select the font weight of the title to be either Normal, Medium, Semibold, Bold, Extra bold, or Black.
Title color
Set color for the block title.
Title color on mobile
Set color for the block title text on Mobile.
Title border style
Select the style for the title border. The styles are:
None Short underline A half-height underline
Title border color
Set color for the title border/underline.
Title border color on mobile
Set color for the title border/underline on mobile device.
Enter the description text for the image block.
Description font size
Determine the font size of the description text.
Description font size on mobile
Determine the font size of the description text on mobile.
Description line height
Determine the line height of the description text.
Description bottom margin
Determine the spacing of the description from the bottom.
Description color
Set color for the description text.
Description color on mobile
Set color for the description text on mobile.
Countdown end date
Enter a date for countdown function. Please use this exact format: yyyy/mm/dd hour/minute/second. Example: 2021/12/4 0:0:00.
Action after the countdown finishes
Select the behavior when the countdown is over. The options are:
Hide Countdown
Hide Section
Countdown style
Select the style for the unit block of the countdown to be either Rounded border or Square border.
Countdown position
Select the position of the countdown to be Below description or Above description.
Countdown number font size
Determine the font size of the countdown numbers.
Countdown text font size
Determine the font size of the countdown text.
Countdown color
Set the color for the countdown text.
Countdown color on mobile
Set the color for the countdown text on Mobile.
Countdown bottom margin
Determine the spacing of the countdown from its bottom.
Maximum content width
Determine the max width of the content.
Content background color
Set the background color for the content.
Content alignment
Select the whole position of the image to be either to the Left, Right or Center including Subtitle, title, description, button and countdown.
Content alignment
Select the position of the whole content to be either to the Top, Center or Bottom.
Content position
Toggle to apply the custom position for the content. There are 5 options: Left Center Right Custom position Overlap the banner
Content custom position
Horizontal position
Enter the desired position of the content horizontally in % relative to the image.
Vertical position
Enter the desired position of the content vertically in % relative to the image.
First button / Second button
Button label
Enter the text for the button.
Button link
Specify the link for the button to redirect to.
Button icon
Button width
Determine the width for the button.
Show custom border
Toggle the custom border style for the button. Note: Applies to both the first and second buttons.
Label color - Border color - Background color - Background gradient - Label hover color - Border hover color - Background hover color - Background hover gradient
Set the text color, background, and border color for both the normal and hover states of the button.
A video from youtube or vimeo on desktop
Enter the youtube or vimeo link. Note: Use a youtube or vimeo link.
Aspect ratio (unit %)
Enter the aspect ratio to show the video.
Select the icon for button play is play or circle play.
Icon color
Set the color for the icon.
Icon background color
Set the background color for the icon.
Customize icon position (unit %)
Enable to be able to adjust the position of the icon.
Horizontal position
Determine the horizontal position of the icon relative to the block's left.
Vertical position
Determine the vertical position of the icon relative to the block's top.
Icon horizontal position on mobile (unit %)
Determine the horizontal position of the icon relative to the block's left on mobile.
Icon vertical position on mobile (unit %)
Determine the vertical position of the icon relative to the block's top on mobile.
Show images on the right
Swap the positions of the block text content and images.
First image
Upload/Select the first image for the block.
Second image
Upload/Select the second image for the block.
Third image
Upload/Select the third image for the block.
Block style
Select the styles for the small image block. There are 4 styles: Style 1 Style 2 Style 3 Style 4
Show separator line
Toggle to show the separator line between the Title, Description and the 2 buttons. Note: Only applicable for style 2.
Separator line color
Set the color for the separator line. Note: Only applicable for style 2.
Content right margin
Determine the right spacing of the content. Note: Only applicable for style 2.
Button left margin
Determine the left spacing of the button. Note: Only applicable for style 2.
Button position from center
Determine the position of the button from the center position. Note: Only applicable for style 2.
Content position from center
Determine the position of the content from the center position. Note: Only applicable for style 2.
Separator line position from center
Determine the position of the separator line from the center position. Note: Only applicable for style 2.
Banner background color
Set the background color for the banner.
Image above the content
Upload/Select the image above the content. Note: Only applicable for style 4.
Description bottom margin
Determine the bottom spacing of the description. Note: Only applicable for style 4.
Fill in the subtitle for the block.
Subtitle letter spacing
Enter the letter spacing for the subtitle.
Subtitle font size
Determine the font size of the subtitle on Desktop.
Subtitle font size on mobile
Determine the font size of the subtitle on Mobile.
Subtitle bottom margin
Determine the spacing of the subtitle from bottom.
Font family
Select the Font Type to be either Font Family #1 or #2. These two font families are specified in the Theme settings > Typography.
Subtitle font weight
Select the font weight of the subtitle to be either Normal, Medium, Semi Bold, Bold, Extra bold, or Black.
Subtitle position
Select the position of the subtitle to be either above or below the title.
Subtitle color
Set the color for the subtitle.
Enter the title for the block.
Title letter spacing
Enter the letter spacing for the title.
Title font size
Determine the font size of the title on Dekstop.
Title font size on mobile
Determine the font size of the title on Mobile.
Title bottom margin
Determine the spacing of the title from bottom.
Title font weight
Select the font weight of the title to be either Normal, Medium, Semi Bold, Bold, Extra bold or Black.
Title color
Set the color for the title.
Enter the description for the block.
Description font size
Determine the font size of the description on Dekstop.
Description font size on mobile
Determine the font size of the description on Mobile.
Description line height
Determine the line height of the description text.
Description bottom margin
Determine the spacing of the description from bottom.
Description color
Set the color for the description .
Maximum content width
Determine the maximum width of the content.
Content alignment
Select the alignment of the content to be either to the Left, Right or Center of the block.
Show content border
Toggle to show the boder around the content box.
Show content border
Set the color for the content border.
First item / Second item
Show images on the right
Swap the positions of the block text content and images.
Upload/Select an image for the block.
Background color - Background gradient - Border color
Set the colors for the background and border of the content.
Enter the subtitle for the content.
Show subtitle border
Toggle to turn on the subtitle underline.
Subtitle letter spacing
Enter the subtitle letter spacing.
Subtitle font size
Determine the font size of the subtitle.
Subtitle font size on mobile
Determine the font size of the subtitle on Mobile.
Subtitle bottom margin
Determine the spacing of the subtitle from bottom.
Font family
Select the Font Type to be either Font Family #1 or #2. These two font families are specified in the Theme settings > Typography.
Subtitle font weight
Select the font weight of the subtitle to be either Normal, Medium, Semi Bold, Bold, Extra bold or Black.
Subtitle position
Select the position of the subtitle to be either Above or Below the title.
Subtitle color
Set the color for the subtitle.
Enter the text for the block title.
Title letter spacing
Enter the letter spacing for the block title text.
Title font size
Determine the font size of the title.
Title font size on mobile
Determine the font size of the title on Mobile.
Title bottom margin
Determine the spacing of the title from bottom.
Title font weight
Select the font weight of the title to be either Normal, Medium, Semi Bold, Bold, Extra bold or Black.
Title color
Set the color for the block title.
Title border style
Select the style for the title border. The styles are:
None Short underline A half-height underline
Title border color
Set the color for the title border/underline.
Enter the text for the block description.
Description font size
Determine the font size of the description text.
Description font size on mobile
Determine the font size of the description text on Mobile.
Description line height
Determine the line height of the description text.
Description bottom margin
Determine the spacing of the description from its bottom.
Description color
Set the color for the description text.
Maximum content width
Determine the width for the block content including title, description.
Content alignment
Select the alignment of the content to be either to the Left, Right or Center.
A video from youtube or vimeo on desktop
Enter the youtube or vimeo link. Note: Use a youtube or vimeo link.
Aspect ratio (unit %)
Enter the aspect ratio to show the video.
Select the icon for button play is play or circle play.
Icon color
Set the color for the icon.
Icon background color
Set the background color for the icon.
Button label
Enter the text for the button.
Button link
Specify the link for the button to redirect to.
Button width
Determine the width for the button.
Label color - Border color - Background color - Background gradient - Label hover color - Border hover color - Background hover color - Background hover gradient
Set the text color, background, and border color for both the normal and hover states of the button.
Show images on the right
Swap the positions of the content and image of the block.
Upload/Select the image for the block.
Image for mobile
Upload/Select the image for the block on mobile.
Image width
Determine the width of the image relative to the block in %.
Show countdown
Toggle the countdown presentation.
Enter text for the block title.
Title font size
Determine the font size fo the block title
Title font size on mobile
Determine the font size for the block title on Mobile
Title font weight
Select the font weight of the block title to be either Normal, Medium, Semi Bold, Bold, Extra bold, or Black.
Title bottom margin
Determine the spacing of the title from the bottom
Title color
Set color for the title text.
Fill in the text for the block description.
Description font size
Determine the font size of the description text.
Description font size on mobile
Determine the font size of the description text on mobile
Description font weight
Select te font weight of the description to be either Normal, Medium, Semi Bold, Bold, Extra bold, or Black.
Description bottom margin
Determine the spacing of the description from its bottom.
Description color
Set color for the block description text.
Countdown end date
Enter the date for the countdown function. Please use this exact format: yyyy/mm/dd hour/minute/second. Example: 2021/12/4 0:0:00.
Item width
Set the countdown item width
Item height
Set the countdown item height
Item gap
Determine the gap between items in the countdown
Item corner radius
Determine the roundness of the block item.
Border color
Set the color for the countdown border.
Background color
Set the color for the countdown background.
Background gradient
Set the color for the countdown background gradient.
Background opacity
Determine the transparency of the countdown background.
Number font size
Determine the font size of the countdown number.
Number font size on mobile
Determine the font size of the countdown number on Mobile.
Number font weight
Select the font weight of the countdown number to be either Normal, Medium, Semi Bold, Bold, Extra bold, or Black.
Number color
Set color for the countdown number color.
Text font size
Determine the font size for the countdown text.
Text font size on mobile
Determine the font size for the countdown text on Mobile.
Text font weight
Select the font weight of the countdown text to be either Normal, Medium, Semi Bold, Bold, Extra bold, or Black.
Text color
Set color for the countdown text.
Border color - Background color - Background gradient
Set the background, background gradient, and border color for the content.
Enter the text for block subtitle.
Subtitle letter spacing
Enter the desired letter spacing for the subtitle.
Subtitle font size
Determine the font size of the subtitle.
Subtitle font size on mobile
Determine the font size of the subtitle on Mobile.
Subtitle bottom margin
Determine the spacing of the subtitle from bottom.
Font family
Select the font type of the subtitle to be either Font Family #1 or #2. The two font types are specified in the Theme Settings > Typography.
Subtitle font weight
Select the font weight for the subtitle to be either Normal, Medium, Semi Bold, Bold, Extra bold, or Black.
Subtitle position
Select the position of the subtitle to be either above or below the title.
Subtitle color
Set the color for the subtitle.
Enter text for the block title.
Title letter spacing
Enter the block title letter spacing.
Title font size
Determine the font size of the block title.
Title font size on mobile
Determine the font size of the block title on Mobile.
Title bottom margin
Determine the spacing of the block title from its bottom
Title font weight
Select the font weight for the title to be either Normal, Medium, Semi Bold, Bold, Extra bold, or Black.
Title color
Set the color for the block title.
Enter text for the block description.
Description font size
Specify the font size for block description.
Description font size on mobile
Specify the font size for block description on Mobile.
Description line height
Determine the line height of the block description.
Description bottom margin
Determine the spacing of the description from its bottom.
Description color
Set color for the description text.
Maximum content width
Determine the width for the content.
Content alignment
Select the alignment of the content to be either to the Left, Center or Right of the block.
A video from youtube or vimeo on desktop
Enter the youtube or vimeo link. Note: Use a youtube or vimeo link.
Aspect ratio (unit %)
Enter the aspect ratio to show the video.
Icon color
Set the color for the icon.
Icon background color
Set the background color for the icon.
Button label
Enter the text for the button.
Button style
Choose the style for the button. There are 2 styles: Style 1 Style 2
Button link
Specify the link for the button to redirect to.
Button width
Determine the width for the button.
Show custom border
Toggle the custom border. Note: Only applicable for button style 1.
Label color - Border color - Background color - Background gradient - Label hover color - Border hover color - Background hover color - Background hover gradient
Set the text color, background, and border color for both the normal and hover states of the button.
Upload/Select an image for the block on Desktop. Recommended image size: width x height (1880 x 720)px
Image for mobile
Upload/Select an image for the block on Mobile. Recommended image size: width x height (638 x 870)px
Scrolling text
Select a menu to show on the block.
Text color
Apply color on the menu item text.
Text font size
Determine the font size of the menu item text.
View all
Enter the text for the view all button.
'View all' font size
The font size of the view all button text.
'View all' font weight
Select the position of the view all button to be either to the Left, Right or Center.
'View all' link
Specify the link for the view all button to redirect to.
'View all' link color
The text color of the view all button.
Enter the SVG icon for the button. Note: Go to this link . Find the icon you want, then copy the SVG code and paste it here.