You can add a slideshow of images to your home page. In the slideshow section, you have the option to adjust the slide heights, add text and buttons and set the slides to rotate automatically.
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You can add a slideshow of images to your home page. In the slideshow section, you have the option to adjust the slide heights, add text and buttons and set the slides to rotate automatically.
Last updated
To add this section, please follow the below steps:
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Themes.
Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.
Click Add section and choose "Slideshow".
The layout for the slideshow:
Full width
Slide height
Determines the height of the image:
Adapt to first image
Desktop image padding
Creates space on the left and the right of image.
Pagination style
Choose layout for the pagination.
Auto-rotate slides
Set the slideshow to play automatically.
Change slides every
Choose how often to change slides.
Image behavior
Animation for the image when scroll:
Ambient movement
Zoom in on scroll
Show content below images on mobile
The content displays below the images, instead of lying on the images.
Slideshow description
Describe the slideshow for customers using screen readers.
Top padding
Determines the height of the top inner space of the section. Can be from 0px to 150px, increasing arithmetically of 2px (pixel).
Bottom padding
Determines the height of the bottom inner space of the section. Can be from 0px to 150px, increasing arithmetically of 2px (pixel).
The image for this block.
The heading for this block.
Heading size
The size of the heading text:
Extra large
Heading font weight
The font weight of the heading text:
Add the text for this block. This text appears below the heading text.
Button label
The text that displays on the button. Leave the label blank to hide the button.
Button link
The URL that you want the button to link to.
Button style
Style of the button:
Text link
Desktop content position
Positions the content relative to the image:
Top Left - Positions the content to the top vertically and the left horizontally.
Top Center - Positions the content to the top vertically and the center horizontally.
Middle Left - Positions the content to the middle vertically and the left horizontally.
Middle Center - Positions the content to the middle vertically and the center horizontally.
Bottom Left - Positions the content to the bottom vertically and the left horizontally.
Bottom Center - Positions the content to the bottom vertically and the center horizontally.
Show container on desktop
Show background for the content.
Desktop content alignment
Sets the alignment of the content on desktop:
Left - Aligns the content to the left.
Center - Aligns the content to the center.
Right - Aligns the content to the right.
Image overlay opacity
Dims the banner image with an overlay.
Color scheme
Set the color for this slide.
Mobile content alignment
Sets the alignment of the content on mobile:
Left - Aligns the content to the left.
Center - Aligns the content to the center.
Right - Aligns the content to the right.