Blog post page
Blog post pages display the content of the blog post. By default, they contain a Blog post section. The Blog post section has no customizable settings by itself, but contains the following default blocks:
Featured image
How to create a blog post?
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Blog posts.
Click Add blog post.
On the Add blog post page, enter a title for your blog post. You need to have a title to save the post.
Enter the blog post content. This field uses the rich text editor, so you can format your post content. You can also add an image, embed a video or other media, or insert a link.
Choose the settings for your blog post:
Author: From the drop-down menu, select the name of the person writing the post. Only the names of the store owner and staff appear in the drop-down menu.
Blog: Select the name of the blog where the post will be published. If you don't want to publish to one of your existing blogs, then you can create a new blog in the drop-down menu.
Optional: Display an image on the blog landing page. Click Upload image in the Featured image section, and then select an image to upload.
Optional: Include an excerpt from your blog post on the blog landing page.
Optional: Add tags to your blog posts to organize them by category or subject. Customers can click tags to find other blog posts in the same category. When a customer searches for a tag in your online store, matching blog posts will appear in the search results. Enter tags, separated by commas, in the Tags field. Tags can have up to 255 characters.
Optional: If you have created a custom template for blog posts, then you can select a template. In the Template drop-down menu, select the template that you want to use for the post.
Optional: Edit the search engine listing for your blog post in the Search engine listing preview section.
Blog posts are hidden by default and won't appear on your online store. If you're ready to publish the post, then select Visible in the Visibility section, or set a specific publishing date for the post. You can edit or delete a published blog post at any time.
Click Save.
For more information, Writing blog posts.
How to create a blog post template?
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Themes.
Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.
Choose Blog Posts from the dropdown window -> Choose Create template.
If you create a template in an unpublished theme, the new template can only be assigned in the Shopify admin after the theme is published.
How to apply a new blog post template?
Go to Online Store -> Blog posts.
Find and click the blog post that you want to edit.
Choose template from Theme template.
Click Save.
If you create a template in an unpublished theme, the new template can only be assigned in the Shopify admin after the theme is published.
How to set up sections for a blog post?
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Themes.
Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.
Choose Blog posts from the dropdown window -> Choose Default blog post.
From the side menu, select Blog post. Configure the article page in the setting on the side with the following settings.
Show back to blog
Select this checkbox to show/hide the "back to blog" button.
Blog post Block
Featured image
Show featured image
Select this checkbox to show/hide the featured image for the blog post.
Featured image height
Determines the height of the blog post's featured image:
Adapt to image (default) - Keeps the image's original aspect ratio.
Image specifications are listed below. Choose between a small, medium, or large featured image.
Show date
Select this checkbox to show/hide the date for the blog post.
Show author
Select this checkbox to show/hide the author for the blog post.
Show title
Select this checkbox to show/hide the title for the blog post.
Show featured tags
Select this checkbox to show/hide the featured tags for the blog post.
Show comments count
Select this checkbox to show/hide the comments count for the blog post.
The clickable text that customers click to share the product to their social media.
Last updated