Featured product
You can add a section that features a specific product.
To add this section, please follow the below steps:
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Themes.
Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.
Click Add section and choose "Featured product".
Section settings
Select a product you want to display.
Color scheme
Set the color for the section.
Show secondary background
Shows the background for this section's container. If this setting is disabled, this section will have a full background.
Desktop media width
Width of product images container on desktop:
Constrain media to screen height
Select this checkbox to constrain media to screen height.
Desktop media position
Position of the product images on desktop:
Left: the product images are on the left.
Right: the product images are on the right.
Desktop layout
The layout for the section on desktop:
2 colums
Thumbnail carousel
Image zoom
Turns on the zoom feature for main product images.
Hide other variants’ media after selecting a variant
When a variant is selected, images of other variants are hidden from view. Images reappear when variant is deselected.
Enable video looping
Allows the video to be played again.
Section padding
Top padding
Determines the height of the top inner space of the section. Can be from 0px to 150px, increasing arithmetically of 2px (pixel).
Bottom padding
Determines the height of the bottom inner space of the section. Can be from 0px to 150px, increasing arithmetically of 2px (pixel).
Text block
The text for the this block.
Text style
Style of the text:
Title block
Heading size
The size of the product's title:
Extra large
SKU block
Text style
Style of the text:
Price block
Displays the product's pricing information, such as price and compare at price.
It has no adjustable settings.
Variant picker block
Displays any variant options for the product:
Color swatches
If you wish to use 'Color swatches', then the Variant picker type must be set to 'Pills'.
Color selector type
Displays the color variants in swatches:
Text swatch
Color swatch
Variant image and color swatch
Quantity selector block
Displays a quantity selector that customers can use to change the number of the product that they want to purchase. The default quantity is 1.
It has no adjustable settings.
Buy buttons block
Color scheme
Select the color for the button.
Show dynamic checkout buttons
Displays any dynamic checkout options that you've enabled in your Payments settings.
Show recipient information form for gift cards
Show share
Allows customers to share the product to their social media.
Custom Liquid block
Liquid code
You can add your own Liquid code to create a custom block.
Icon with text block
The layout for the block:
First icon
Displays the icon for the first block. This icon will not be displayed if the First image is selected.
First image
Displays the image for the first block.
First heading
Displays the heading for the first block.
Second icon
Displays the icon for the second block. This icon will not be displayed if the Second image is selected.
Second image
Displays the image for the second block.
Second heading
Displays the heading for the second block.
Third icon
Displays the icon for the third block. This icon will not be displayed if the Third image is selected.
Third image
Displays the image for the third block.
Third heading
Displays the heading for the third block.
Last updated