Running text with image
This section is likely a dynamic feature that combines scrolling text with a image to draw attention to specific content, such as promotions, announcements, or features.
Last updated
This section is likely a dynamic feature that combines scrolling text with a image to draw attention to specific content, such as promotions, announcements, or features.
Last updated
To add this section, please follow the below steps:
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store -> Themes.
Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.
Click Add section and choose "Running text with image".
Color scheme
Set the color for the section.
Font size
The size of the text:
Extra large
Reverse direction
Change the order or orientation of element to the opposite of its current state. For example, if text or an image is scrolling from right to left, reversing the direction would make it scroll from left to right instead.
Change the running speed of the announcement bar.
Section margin
Top margin
Adjust the space between the top edge of a section and the elements or content above it.
Bottom margin
Adjust the space between the bottom edge of a section and the elements or content below it.
Top padding
Determines the height of the top inner space of the section. Can be from 0px to 150px, increasing arithmetically of 2px (pixel).
Bottom padding
Determines the height of the bottom inner space of the section. Can be from 0px to 150px, increasing arithmetically of 2px (pixel).
Add a image for this block.
Image width
Determines the width of the image.
Add a text for this block.
The URL that you want the text and image to link to.