Contact Us Block

To show Home Brands on Home page, In the Page Builder -> Go to Widgets -> drag and drop HTML block into specified sections.

In field HTML block:

When you are happy with your changes, don't forget click Save HTML and Publish to repackage the edited theme.

After that, input sample content below:

<div class="footer_contactUs" data-halo-load="animation">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="contactUs halo-fadeInUp" data-halo-animate="1">
            <span>Need help? We're available at</span><a href="tel:(077)-670-4157" aria-label="(077)-670-4157"><strong>(077)-670-4157</strong></a>
            <span class="or1"> - </span>
            <span>Email us at</span><a href="" aria-label=""></a>
            <span class="or2">or</span><a class="button button--primary" href="#" aria-label="live help"><span>live help</span></a>

Or use button below to generate the code with your own banners. Please click the Copy code on the popup after you changed all the blocks.

Please click the "Run Pen" button to be used

Last updated